What did Pharaoh do to all the Hebrew baby boys?
Threw them in the river to drown
What did Moses do when when he saw an Egyptian taskmaster beating a Hebrew?
Killed him
Who did God send to meet Moses?
Aaron his brother
How did God punish Pharaoh and the Egyptians?
He sent plagues
How many plagues did God send?
Who found the basket hidden in the bulrushes?
The princess
Who ordered Moses to be killed?
After Moses told Pharaoh to let the people go, what did Pharaoh do?
Made the people work harder, gather their own straw for bricks
What happened when Aaron struck the river with his rod?
The water turned to blood
The blood of what animal was used on the doorposts?
Who did Miriam get to nurse the baby?
Her mother
What did Moses need to learn about how God's work is to be done?
Needs to be done God's way not mans way.
What example did Moses set for us when the people were angry with him?
He prayed
What happened to the Egyptians' cattle during the fifth plague?
They died
What happened if a family hand no blood on the doorpost?
Their oldest son or first born male was killed
What did the princess name the baby?
What was unusual about the burning bush?
It didn't burn up
What happened to Aaron's rod when he threw it down?
It became a snake
What area was protected from the hail during the seventh plague?
The land of Goshen
What happened if the blood was on the doorpost?
The Lord passed over the house.
When should we pray to God?
In good times and bad times.
What did God want Moses to do?
Lead the Hebrews out of Egypt
What happened to Pharaoh's magicians snakes?
They were swallowed by Aaron's snake
What covered the land of Egypt for three days durning the ninth plague?
What blood of the Passover lamb was a picture of what?
The blood of Jesus that paid for our sins.