Solar System
Chemical signs
Lang & Lit
US National Parks

 Abbreviated au Earth is 93 million miles away,  au stands for?

What is an astronomical unit? 


Port au Prince is the capital of this nation that shares the island of Hispaniola. 

What is Haiti?


This element is designated by the symbol Au

What is gold?


This author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid has a first name that is often Miles code name in Blooket. 

Who is Jeff Kinney?


Encompassing parts of Idaho, Montana and much of northwestern Wyoming this is one of the first National Parks. 

What is Yellowstone? 


This planet is the closest in diameter to the Earth.

What is Venus?


This the largest Latin American city.

What is Sao Paulo?


If you combine the symbols for Carbon and this symbol for a halogen gas you can spell CAr. 

What is Argon?


Suzanne Collins is the author of this dystopian book  that follow the tribulations of the main character Katniss Everdeen. 

What is the Hunger Games?


First protected in 1864, this National Park is best known for its waterfalls, but within its nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep valleys, ancient giant sequoias, and a vast wilderness area, and the granite giant El Capitan.

What is Yosemite?


This planet is 30au from Earth lying some 2.968 billion miles away.

What is Neptune?


This active volcano is the most photographed mountain in the world. 

What is Mt. Fuji? 


This halogen gas can often be detected in basements of homes in the midwest. It is 86 on the periodic table and abbreviated by Rn.

What is Radon?


The protagonist becomes a “Modern Prometheus” by animating non-living matter in a novel about a doctor who creates a humanoid monster, written by Mary Shelley?

What is Frankenstein? 


It's the Second Most-Visited National Park and lies entirely in Utah and was once home to the Anasazi indians. 

What is Zion?


This giant donut-shaped swath of magnetically trapped, highly energetic charged particles surround Earth 

What is the Van-Allen belt? 


Carlsbad Caverns is a system of caves in this US state. 

What is New Mexico? 


This element is the most common in the human body.

What is carbon?


Rudyard Kipling wrote that “the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.”  He was known for writing this in his most famous book which became a Disney movie. 

What is the Jungle Book?


Ridge upon ridge of and forests straddle the border between North Carolina and Tennessee in this National Park.

What is the Great Smoky National Park? 


The celestial object Ceres can be found in this region of the solar system. 

What is the Asteroid Belt? 


The 20 tallest mountains in the US are found in this state. 

What is Alaska?


Often thought as a trial, a BeTa run, is also the abbreviation for two elements. One sounds like a verb the other a bit like a spider. 

What are Be for Beryllium and Ta for Tantalum?


In Scandinavian mythology, what is the end of the world of gods and men?

What is Ragnarök?


This National Park encompasses 6 million acres of Alaska’s interior wilderness. Its centerpiece is 20,310-ft.-high Mount McKinley, North America’s tallest peak. With terrain of tundra, spruce forest and glaciers, the park is home to wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, moose, and caribou.

What is Denali National Park?