Piece of cake
Employee drug test
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Too young to remember
Watch your steps

60yo M presents with altered mentation. He has known history of Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx s/p resection and chemoradiotherapy as well as rheumatoid arthritis. His pertinent vitals include BP of 225/110. He was found to have hydrocephalus and cerebral oedema. He also was in acute heart failure and had an AKI. Image below is the biopsy of his kidney. What does it show?

Onion - skinning in scleroderma renal crisis


67 y/o female with pmh of diabetes, HTN who underwent a DEXA scan with findings of 

T score being - 2.1 in the spine and -3 in the right hip. FRAX is 20% 

Additional hx: no recent falls or fractures, Creatinine Clearance of 60, no hx of GERD, vit D level is 55 and Ca is 9.

 What is preferable treatment for this patient?  

Anabolic agent (such as Teriparatide or adaloparatide) 


What year was the first Harry Potter movie released?



Who is the father of osteopathic medicine?

Andrew Taylor Still


A 62-year-old man is admitted to the ICU for hematemesis. He has a history of cirrhosis due to alcohol use. He undergoes hemodynamic stabilization and initiation of octreotide and antibiotics. Other current medications are propranolol, spironolactone, and furosemide.

On physical examination, blood pressure is 104/58 mm Hg, pulse rate is 62/min, and respiration rate is 16/min. Ascites is present. Bowel sounds are normal, and abdomen is not tender.

Endoscopy reveals large varices isolated to the gastric fundus, along the greater curvature of the stomach, that have stigmata of recent bleeding.

What is the most appropriate next step in management?

Abdominal CT with contrast


30yo F presenting with abdominal pain and fevers for 1 month. Labs significant for leukocytosis and eosinophilia.

Abdominal imaging as below. Describe the findings and come up with most likely diagnosis.

Cystic liver lesion with calcification - Hydatidosis


What NRTI can be used for general prophylaxis and during pregnancy to decrease rates of fetal transmission of HIV?


What is the highest grossing film in 2024?

Inside Out 2


What ancient civilization is credited with the earliest known practice of dentistry?

The Ancient Egyptians 


47 yo male was admitted to ICU with severe sepsis secondary to pneumonia. He was intubated, sedated and appropriate treatment was initiated. Over the stay for >1 week, he was noticed to have thrombocytopenia. 

If HIT is on your list of differential diagnosis, what is the next step?

Calculate 4Ts score


77yo M presenting with acute heart failure and Afib with RVR. Known PMHx of low backpain and neuropathy.

Cardiac imaging as below.

Cardiac amyloidosis


John Doe is a 45-year-old male with pmh of hypertension (on Lisinopril, Amlodipine and Hydralazine), Insulin dependent type 2 Diabetes and Obesity presented with increased fatigue, joint pain, primary in his wrist and knees as well as non-itching rash on his face and trunk that is more pronounced with sun exposure. 

What is the cause of the symptoms? 

Drug induced lupus due to hydralazine


Who holds the record for the most home runs in a single MLB season?

Barry Bonds


Who developed the first vaccine and for which disease?

Edwards Jenner



52 y/o M undergoes screening colonoscopy with findings of 7 tubular adenomas ranging in size from 3-8cm. When should this patient undergo repeat screening colonoscopy?

3 years


62 yo Asian male with no significant pmh presented with polyarthralgia and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy for the past 3 weeks. 

Lymph node biopsy showed histiocytes infiltration with areas of necrosis.  

Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease). 


Where does ethambutol act?



Who won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 2021?

Taylor Swift, Folklore


What was the first organ to successfully be transplanted in a human?



35 yo male with history of dermatitis herpetiform is about to be started on dapsone therapy. 

What is the next step?

Check G6PD activity


A 46-year-old Native American male with long history of supportive hidradenitis, acne, intermittent joint pain presented with rapidly developed a painful, bleeding wound on the left lower abdomen that suspected to be pyoderma gangrenosum.

A skin biopsy from abdomen wound revealed a dense neutrophilic infiltrate (suggestive of pyoderma gangrenosum). Culture was negative. 

PAPASH syndrome (pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne and suppurativa hidradenitis)/PAPA spectrum syndrome


What classes of antibiotics work on ribosome 30S?

Name at least one

 Aminoglycosides, glycycyclicine, tetracyclines


Who holds the current paralympic record for the 400M run?

Maxime Carabin


In which year was the first successful human heart transplant performed?



Which test needs to be performed before starting natalizumab (Tysabri) treatment for a patient with multiple sclerosis?

Test for JC virus