Plot & Themes
Character & Development
Cinematic Techniques
Language Features
Auteur Style

Who is the main character in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

Ricky Baker

Who helps Ricky Baker in the wilderness?



What is one way Taika Waititi shows the wilderness in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

Through wide landscape shots to show how big and wild it is.


What does Ricky Baker write to Child Welfare in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

A poem.


What is one thing Taika Waititi likes to include in his movies?

Humour or funny moments.


What is the main goal of the American Samoa soccer team in "Next Goal Wins"?

To win their first-ever soccer game. To score a goal.


What makes Coach Rongen different from the soccer players in "Next Goal Wins"?

He’s from a different country and doesn't understand their culture at first.


What type of music is used during the soccer games in "Next Goal Wins"?

Upbeat and exciting music to make the games feel more intense.


What type of language does Ricky use when he’s joking or being funny?

Sarcasm or exaggeration.


How does Waititi show that Ricky and Hec become like family in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

By showing them working together and caring for each other in the wilderness.


What is one important theme in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

Family or belonging.


How does Ricky feel at the beginning of "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

He feels unwanted and rebellious.


What is a close-up shot used for in a movie?

To show a character’s emotions clearly.


In "Next Goal Wins," how does Coach Rongen’s language change as he gets to know the team?

He starts speaking more kindly and encouragingly to them.


Why does Waititi show the American Samoa soccer team struggling at the beginning of "Next Goal Wins"?

To make their improvement and first win feel more exciting and meaningful.


Why do Ricky and Hec go on the run in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

They go on the run because Ricky doesn’t want to go back to Child Welfare, and they think they’ll be separated.


How does Bella, Ricky’s foster mom, help him feel more welcome at the beginning of "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

She is kind to him, makes him feel at home, and accepts him despite his past behaviour.


What effect does using slow-motion shots during key moments in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" have on the audience?

It makes important moments stand out and adds drama or humour to the scenes.


What type of figurative language does Ricky use in his poem when he calls himself a “gangster” in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

He’s using hyperbole to exaggerate how tough he thinks he is.


Why does Taika Waititi use humour in serious moments in "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"?

To lighten the mood and make difficult situations easier for the audience to relate to, while still showing important themes.


In "Next Goal Wins," what does the team learn about themselves as they work towards their first win?

They learn about teamwork, resilience, and believing in themselves.


How does Coach Rongen's attitude change towards the team in "Next Goal Wins"?

He starts out uninterested but gradually becomes more invested in the team, encouraging and helping them improve.


Why does Taika Waititi use natural lighting and simple camera angles in "Next Goal Wins"?

To make the film feel more realistic and down-to-earth, showing the simplicity and challenges of the team's journey.


In "Next Goal Wins," why does Coach Rongen's language sometimes feel harsh at first, and how does this change later?

At first, he’s frustrated and doesn’t understand the team’s culture, but as he bonds with them, his language becomes more encouraging and supportive.


In "Next Goal Wins," why does Waititi focus on the underdog story of the American Samoa soccer team?

He wants to show that even the most unlikely heroes can achieve success through hard work and believing in themselves.