Peripheral Vascular

The S2 heart sound is caused by:

A) Closure of the AV valves

B) Closure of the semilunar valves

C) Opening of the atrioventricular valves

D) Opening of the semilunar valves

B) Closure of the semilunar valves


A patient reports recurrent episodes of finger discoloration when exposed to cold temperatures that improves when rewarmed. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this phenomenon?

A) Allen's Disease

B) Arterial Insufficiency of the arms and hands

C) Raynaud's Disease causing vasoconstriction

D) Frost bite

C) Raynaud's Disease


True or False - Age is the single most important risk factor in determining risk for breast cancer. 



The provider auscultates a systolic heart murmur that is louder in volume than S1 and S2 and can be heard with the stethoscope partially off of the chest; there is a palpable thrill. How should the provider document this heart murmur?

A) Grade 3

B) Grade 4

C) Grade 5

D) Grade 6

C) Grade 5 systolic murmur


When the nurse practitioner is evaluating a patient for intermittent claudication, he or she would first: 

A) Order a venogram

B) Order TED stockings

C) Check the ankle brachial index

D) Order a venous doppler

C) Check the ankle brachial index


Which is the most common diagnosis of breast lumps in women ages 15-25?

A) Breast cancer

B) Fibrocystic change

C) Fibroadenoma

D) Breast cyst

C) Fibroadenoma


On auscultation the health care provider hears S1 and S2. S2 is quickly followed by an extra heart sound. Which abnormal heart sound quickly follows S2?



A nurse practitioner notes hemosiderin staining on the pretibial surfaces of both lower extremities in a 59 year old female patient. Which of the following is most likely related to this physical assessment finding?

A) Venous stasis with chronic edema

B) Arterial insufficiency

C) Chronic DVT

D) Varicose veins

A) Venous stasis with chronic edema


Which 2 abnormal breast assessment findings would the nurse practitioner document for a patient with these findings?

Peau d'orage appearance to the breast

Nipple retraction