Grading Codes
Grading Policies

This means you did not turn something in, but still get 40% credit in the gradebook.

What is a Z4


This is the category in our English class that is worth 80% of your entire semester grade

What are Assessments OF Learning?


The books we will be reading 1st semester

What is "The Crucible" and "The Things They Carried"


The period of time between when a student receives their AOL score and when they are able to do the work to qualify for, and then subsequently take, a reassessment AOL.

What is 2 weeks


Ms. Love's office hours

What is 8:00-8:20 every morning AND

4-5pm virtually on Sundays


This means you completed the assignment but received a score lower than a 40% (it really stunk!)

What is the L4 code?


This is the cutoff date for when you can turn in any assessments FOR learning

What is the end of the unit (or AOL due date for the unit)?


Because it is a play, our first text, "The Crucible" will be read together in what way?

What is out loud / acting it out / readers theater

You must notify your teacher of your choice, complete all AFLs that led up to the AOL, PLUS meet with your teacher or a peer tutor before you are able to do this.

What is reassess


This is the shoe organizer that helps us stay focused and engaged in class, even if we despise it.

What is the phone bin


This means you were excused and the assignment will not factor into your grade at all.

What is the X code?


The answer teachers will give when students ask if Assessments FOR Learning are able to be reassessed

What is NO.


Our "Introduction to Me" slides were a way to get to know each other as a class, but ALSO a way to start getting comfortable for THIS which occurs 2nd semester

What is a presentation AOL?


In English, any discussion AOL -  PLUS - in ALL classes, the last AOL of the semester have this restriction on reassessments.

What is a chance to reassess?


The same issue as the "Grading Policies" for $500, a reiteration of this IMPORTANT fact about junior English when it comes to passing the class this year:  

Any junior who has not turned in EVERY AOL required each semester will have this happen to them:

They will not pass the class, regardless of their numerical grade


This is the grading scale cutoff to pass the course 

What is a 60%


December 2, 2024

What is the 1st semester sunset date for any AOL's in English 3 


Discussion, narrative writing, multiple choice tests, literary analysis essays, and reading skills tests are all part of these

What are the AOL experiences for 1st semester


This number doubles as BOTH the grade you must score BELOW to qualify to take a reassessment of an AOL and the highest grade you can receive ON that reassessed AOL once you take it

What is 80%


The answer to whether or not semester grades will be rounded in this class as a general rule.

What is "no"


If you see a blank in the gradebook for an assignment, it means this

What is "Ms. Love has entered the assignment into HAC but has not yet entered my grade?


The new English 3 pilot grading system that will directly affect if you pass English 3, regardless of your numerical grade in the class

What is "you have to turn in EVERY AOL to pass with credit, no exceptions"?


Both Large and small group discussions, literary analysis AND informative writing essays, presentations, and an annotated bibliography are all part of this experience

What are AOL's for 2nd semester


This is the AOL with the largest percentage value in 1st semester, which is double that of 2 other AOL experiences

What is the literary analysis essay?


Based on what you have experienced so far in Ms. Love's class, this one of her core values within a classroom setting

What is community (connection, etc.)