Snap E&T Exemptions
ABAWD Exemptions
ABAWD- New Policy 1
ABAWD- New Policy 2
Snap Q&A

Client states he is in a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Program, however he is going to his Doctor's office for his medicine and not currently in classes.  

Is this an exemption?  

No.  Client has to be enrolled in a approved Drug/Alcohol Treatment Program and taking classes.  


Client submits Snap Intake on 10/2/24 and interview is completed on 10/7/24 and reports she is pregnant and meets no other ABAWD exemptions.  

Do we need to verify pregnancy? 

No, we can use client statement unless it's questionable.  


Can a county impose a sanction of an ABAWD who has failed to participate in a Snap E&T assessment or to participate in an E&T activity after 10/1/2024?

Yes or No

No.  A tiered sanction imposed on or after 10/1/2024 is invalid as sanctions are only valid on Job Quit Sanctions.  


Is everyone ABAWD required to undergo a comprehensive assessment?

Yes or No

No. Hardin County is required to conduct an assessment if the ABAWD request to participate in a Snap E&T AND is unemployment.  


What is the screen in Ohio Benefits called to review 3/36?

Time Limits 


As of 10/1/2024, client states they're responsible for taking care of an Incapacitated Person.  Do we need verification of this exemption?  



What screen in Ohio Benefits needs completed at every Intake, Recertification and/or household change for all adult AG members regarding work requirements? 

Work Registration Screen


If an ABAWD is enrolled in a Snap E&T and stops making progress or completely stops participating, will they receive a countable month?

Yes or No

Yes. Unless the ABAWD has a good cause for not otherwise meeting their ABAWD requirements.  

Case Manager completes an Intake in 10/2024 however, client has a previous sanction.  Is that sanction voided or does client needed to sign 3804 and/or meet exemption?

Client must still sign 3804 unless client is meeting an exemption. 

What screen needs completed for all adult AG members and also, must be reviewed on EDBC results to ensure they match.  

Work Registration Screens 


On what screen in Ohio Benefits do you update if Caring for a Child under 6 not in the home?

Household Status Screen 

As of 10/1/2024, client states they want to volunteer however, they have no transportation to get to the assessment. At this point, what is your next step?

We're unable to complete an assessment for the client since they're unable have transportation so the client is unable to volunteer.  Effective 10/1/24, we no longer have Transportation Vouchers. 


Who is eligible for a 4-month certification? 

An ABAWD with no earned income.


If a client has a 3/36.  The client has to complete 80 hours in how many days?  

60 days prior to the date of application


How many ABAWDS is our "target" number for Hardin County?



Client states they are mentally/physically unfit for employment.  Does the agency need verification?

Yes, unless we can directly or indirectly observe or perceived the client is not fit for employment. HOWEVER, you are required to JOURNAL this in detail.  

What are 4 ABAWD exemptions? 

Pregnant, Veteran, Homeless, Under age 18 or 55 years of age of older, Parent of an AG member under 18, Residing in an AG where AG member who is under 18, Individual under age 25 and who was in foster care.


Intake completed on 10/16/24.

What is the RE Due Month?

 Renewal completed on 10/16/24.  

What is the RE Due Month? 

This is 4-month certification for ABAWDS only.  

Intake- 01/2025

Renewal- 02/2025


What are 3 out of the 6 ABAWD Exemptions that only need to be verified if questionable?

Under 18 or 55 years or older, Parent of or residing with an AG member under age 18, Pregnant, Veteran, Homeless, and Under 25 and aged out of foster care.

Only if a client is mentally/physically unfit- we may need to request verification.  


Are there Hearing Rights for a Snap E&T volunteer?

Yes or No



What screens in Ohio Benefit need updated to review for all ABAWD/Snap E&T Exemptions?



Shawn was homeless during his Snap Intake interview in 04/2024.  Snap benefits were authorized as a work registrant. He calls into the agency on 5/30/2024 to report that a family member passed away and left the house to him, so he now has residence.  He moved in yesterday.  What is the next step and when would it take effect?  

Since Shawn reported a change in his exemption status he has to be rescreened.  The worker that took the phone call for the change screens Shawn over the phone and it is determined that he meets no exemptions.  Since his change took place in May, he is ABAWD required for June.  


What is the form called in Compass Pilot to request if a client has in-kind/unpaid work experience?


Must be completed by AG and the person they're working for.  


ABAWDS who have reached their 3/36 months may regain eligibility at any time by: 

Working 80 hours in the 60 days prior to the date of application

Meet an exemption

One or more of the 3/36 months have "fallen off"


ABAWDS that fail to meet the ABAWD Work Requirement get a countable month and are not sanctioned.  

True or False 


Sanctions are no longer effective 10/1/24 unless it's for a Job Quit Sanction.