Pre-hire On Boarding
Employment Practices
Staff Responsibilities
Compensation & Benefits
Leave Administration

The facility may conditionally employ an Applicant while it is awaiting the result of the criminal records check for a period of thirty (30) days or less from the date a timely criminal records check is requested in accordance with this Policy.  

What is conditional employment?


The employees at this facility will be afforded the opportunity to voice complaints, recommend change, or discuss management decisions relating to employment without fear of retaliation. This policy enables the facility to maintain open lines of communications and access to management and allows employees the right to communicate on an equal basis.

What is the Employee Problem Resolution Policy?

  1. A prompt and thorough investigation of all reports of threats of (or actual) violence and of suspicious individuals or activities will be conducted. The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as is practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, staff members being investigated may be suspended, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

What are the next steps when a report of violence or threats in the workplace is made?

  • The Supervisor's Accident Investigation Report should be completed thoroughly as it provides a description of the accident, injured area, type of injury and the root cause of the accident and source.
  • The Staff Member Incident Report should be completed by the injured staff member immediately following the injury/incident. If the injury is too severe where the staff member is unable to complete form immediately following the injury, the form will be completed as soon as feasibly possible by the staff member.
  • Eyewitness Investigation Reports should be completed immediately following the incident by any person who eye witnessed the incident. Detailed recollection must be reported on the form.

What reports should be completed following a workplace injury/incident?

  • staff member has been employed by the Company for at least 12 months (this does not need to be consecutive),
  • staff member has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the commencement date of the leave, and
  • staff member is employed at a covered work site.

What is the eligibility criteria for time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act?


It is the policy of this facility to provide quality services and to ensure a safe working environment by requiring every staff member to successfully complete a background check before being granted regular employment.

The facility is prohibited from employing any individual who:

  1. Found guilty of any of the offenses listed on the Prohibited Convictions and Offenses.
  2. Is the subject of an order or disposition relating to findings of not guilty by reason of insanity.
  3. Has been the subject of a substantiated finding of neglect, abuse, or misappropriation of property by a state or federal agency pursuant to an investigation arising in a licensed nursing facility.

What is the Background Check Policy?


Employees are expected to learn their job to the best of their ability, learn and follow the facility's rules and regulations, and become a productive team member. If at any point during this probationary period, the employee's performance is unsatisfactory, the employee may be terminated without reference to the discipline policy. Efforts will be made to conduct a performance review before the probationary period is completed.

What is the Probationary Period?

  1. Failure to cooperate with this policy, including but not limited to, admission of policy violations, refusing to consent to the testing process, refusing to submit a specimen for testing when requested by management, switching, altering or diluting a sample, or refusing to sign a statement agreeing to abide by the policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including the termination of their employment.

What is the Substance Abuse and Testing Policy?


Coursework must be directly related to the staff member’s current position or necessary for the promotion of the staff member within the facility or company.  College or certification coursework must be taken at accredited educational institutions such as vocational schools, colleges or universities or through an accredited certification program.

What are the qualifications for reimbursement under the Tuition Reimbursement Policy?


family members include spouse, children (biological, adopted, foster, step, legal ward, one who acted as a child under the age of 18 or over the age of 18 if incapable of self-care because of mental and physical disability), and parent (biological or one who acted in the capacity of your parent).

What is the definition of a family member under the FMLA?


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all applicants for employment and former staff members re-applying for employment have the necessary verifiable skills and experience to perform in the position for which they are applying.

What is the Reference Policy?

  • Evaluate the staff member's performance in relation to the performance requirements identified in the job description and other pertinent materials.
  • Provide staff member with information they can use for their own professional development.
  • Use as a resource for identifying training needs for a department.
  • Use as a guide for personnel actions.
  • Use as an opportunity to reward staff members if appropriate.

What is a Performance Evaluation?

  • Personnel, financial, payroll, medical, business, policies and procedures, incident reports, etc. are facility records and will be maintained in a confidential manner for all staff members and should not be removed from the premises. This policy is not intended to prohibit staff members from discussing their wages consistent with applicable law.

What is subject to the Confidentiality Policy?

  • Staff member may only utilize one program per year; the Career Advancement (reimbursement) program OR the Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
  • Staff member must have at least one year continued employment in a full-time capacity with the facility.
  • Staff member must demonstrate a strong performance record - evidenced by a clear disciplinary record for performance and attendance, positive evaluations and exceptional/value added/exemplary contributions to the residents and the facility.
  • Staff member must be approved by the Administrator and VP of Operations for reimbursement consideration.

What are the Eligibility criteria to request Tuition Reimbursement or Student Loan forgiveness?

  • Birth of a child
  • Placement of a child with the staff member for adoption or foster care;
  • Care for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition;
  • A "serious health condition" of the staff member that prohibits the staff member from performing the functions of his or her job.
  • A "qualifying exigency" arising out of the fact that the spouse, or a son, daughter, or parent of the staff member is on active duty (or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty) in the Armed Forces in support of a contingency operation.

What are the Qualifying reasons for taking time off under the FMLA?

  1. A copy of the individual's current original license/certification is verified with the appropriate licensing board or registry prior to employment and a copy is placed in the staff member's personnel file on the day of hire. A copy of the license/certification is not required.  A licensure/certification binder may be maintained for ease of tracking.

What is the credentialing policy?


Former staff members whose break in service is less than or equal to their length of service prior to the break with the company may be reinstated with accumulated company length of service and last hire date.  The break in service, however, may not be more than six months. The pre-employment process to include, but not limited to the physical, drug screen, background check process and paperwork must be completed, regardless of break in service.  The staff members is also required to attend the new hire orientation.

What is the Re-Employment Policy?


Failure to report to work when scheduled. This includes when a staff member agrees to pick up a shift and fails to report for the shift. Pre-approved and/or scheduled absences for approved leaves of absence, bereavement, jury duty, approved worker's compensation leave and other job protected leave will not be considered an occurrence.

What is the definition of an occurrence under the Attendance Policy?


Spouse, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister, brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, staff member's grandparents and grandchildren (excluding in-laws), including step (child, father, mother, sister, brother) relationships.

Staff members are eligible for one (1) day with pay for the death of a staff member's verifiable first aunt or uncle (excluding in-laws).

What is the definition of a family member under the bereavement policy?
  • A three day period of incapacity; and
  • Inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility; or
  • Continuing treatment by a health care provider.

What are the qualifying reasons for taking time off under the FMLA? 

  1. Within the first three days of employment, the Federal Form I-9 will be completed and filed in a separate file or binder. Documents used to verify the individual's lawful right to work in the United States, to include supporting documentation noted on the social security card, visa or resident alien card, and the individual's identity will be photocopied and attached to the I-9 form prior to filing.

What is the Immigration Reform Act?

  1. The staff member requesting a transfer should first discuss the possibility with their immediate supervisor and complete a Transfer Application.
  2. Upon receipt of the transfer application, the current location Administrator should contact the "new" location Administrator to inquire about openings that may exist.
  3. The hiring supervisor confers with the staff member's current supervisor regarding performance prior to approval of the transfer and further completes the transfer application. If desired, the hiring Supervisor may conduct in-person interview with the staff member.
  4. If the staff member is a viable candidate for transfer, the hiring Administrator makes the recommendation to the Regional Directors of Operations for the receiving and sending facilities. If approved by the Regional Directors of Operations, the transfer is then recommended to the appropriate Ciena Vice President of Operations for the final approval or denial.
  5. The staff member's current supervisor will mutually arrange for the release of the staff member to the new department location within a reasonable period of time, generally not to exceed 30 days. There may be circumstances where a staff member may not transfer to the new location until their position has been replaced. This will occur on a case by case basis.
  6. A copy of the staff member's file will be sent to the new facility while the original file will remain at the transferring facility.
  7. A staff member who transfers to another Ciena facility will be required to attend the new hire orientation as well as go through the background check process at the new facility.
  8. Wages and benefits, including health care will be applied based on the established guidelines at the new facility and in some cases, may differ from the previous facility.

What is the procedure for an Employee Transfer?


These offenses are most serious and violations will subject a staff member to immediate termination. If an incident or situation requires further investigation, and staff member may be placed on suspension without pay pending an investigation and, if verified, will lead to termination.

What are Category 3 Work Rules?

  1. Upon receipt of a summons, subpoena, or other request to appear and serve jury duty, the staff member will present such summons, subpoena, or other documentation as well as the Time Off Request Form to their Supervisor.
  2. Upon completion of jury service, the staff member will present proof and/or documentation of jury pay to the Payroll and/or HR Coordinator to process.

What is the procedure to request pay for Jury Duty?

  • Active duty
  • Active duty for training
  • Initial active duty for training
  • Inactive duty for training
  • Full-time National Guard duty
  • Absence from work for an examination to determine a person's fitness for any of the above types of duty.

What is the definition of Uniformed Services?