A topic sentence should include detailed examples to support the argument.


A topic sentence should clearly state the main argument or point of the paragraph but does not need to include detailed examples. Supporting details and examples come after the topic sentence.


Supporting an argument with examples is always sufficient to prove it.


While examples can help illustrate and support an argument, they are not always sufficient to prove it. A strong argument typically requires a combination of examples, evidence, reasoning, and sometimes expert testimony. Examples alone might not be enough if they do not represent a broader trend or if they are not supported by solid evidence.  


Refuting an argument involves showing that the argument's reasoning or evidence is flawed.


Refuting an argument generally involves demonstrating that the argument's reasoning is incorrect or that its evidence is insufficient, inaccurate, or misleading. This process aims to disprove or weaken the original argument by pointing out its flaws or presenting counter-evidence.  


An argument is different from an opinion because it requires evidence and reasoning to support its claim.


An argument is structured around evidence and reasoning to support a specific claim or position, aiming to persuade others through logical support. In contrast, an opinion is a personal belief or viewpoint that does not necessarily involve evidence or structured reasoning.


Hedging in language is used to make statements less definitive or assertive


Hedging involves using language that makes statements less definitive or assertive, often to soften the impact or to express uncertainty. Phrases like "I think," "maybe," or "it seems" are common hedges that indicate that the speaker is not fully committed to the statement or acknowledges potential uncertainty.


............is a reasoned presentation that supports a particular claim or position. It typically consists of a clear statement of the claim (thesis), evidence (such as data, facts, or examples), and reasoning (logical connections) that together aim to persuade others of the validity of the claim.

An argument


.........................is an opposing viewpoint or argument presented to challenge or refute another argument. It involves addressing the claims made by the original argument by offering an alternative perspective or evidence that contradicts or weakens the original position.

A counterargument


...............................is a linguistic strategy used to make statements less definitive or assertive. It involves using qualifying phrases or terms to express uncertainty, politeness, or to soften the impact of a statement.



..............................is the process of disproving or countering an argument or claim. It involves presenting evidence or reasoning that undermines the validity of the original argument.



...........................is a specific instance or case used to illustrate, clarify, or support a general principle, concept, or argument. It provides concrete evidence or a real-world scenario to help explain or make abstract ideas more understandable.

An example


How many apples can you put into an empty basket?

Just one.

 After that, the basket isn’t empty anymore.


If you have one, you want to share it. But once you share it, you do not have it. What is it?

A secret


You're lucky

Free point :))



How many seconds are there in a year?

Twelve. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, etc.


What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t actually alive?

 A glove


Argument: Regular physical exercise is essential for maintaining good health and improving overall well-being.

Topic Sentences:

  1. "Regular exercise is crucial for physical health as it strengthens the heart and boosts energy levels."
  2. "Exercise contributes to both physical fitness and mental well-being, making it an important part of a healthy lifestyle."
  3. "Many people find it difficult to incorporate regular exercise into their busy schedules."
  4. "Engaging in physical activity can significantly improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety."

2. "Exercise contributes to both physical fitness and mental well-being, making it an important part of a healthy lifestyle."


Argument: Climate change significantly impacts agricultural productivity and food security.

Topic Sentences:

  1. "Climate change has led to more frequent and severe droughts, which affect crop yields."
  2. "The effects of climate change on agriculture include reduced crop production and increased food prices."
  3. "Addressing climate change requires international cooperation and policy changes."
  4. "Farmers are increasingly facing challenges due to unpredictable weather patterns caused by climate change."

2. "The effects of climate change on agriculture include reduced crop production and increased food prices."


Argument: Learning a second language enhances cognitive abilities and opens up career opportunities.

Topic Sentences:

  1. "Bilingual individuals often experience improved cognitive functions and better multitasking skills."
  2. "Learning a second language can be a challenging but rewarding process for many people."
  3. "Fluency in multiple languages can significantly boost career prospects in a globalized job market."
  4. "The process of acquiring a new language involves considerable time and dedication."

1. "Bilingual individuals often experience improved cognitive functions and better multitasking skills."


Argument: Effective time management is crucial for maximizing productivity and reducing stress.

Topic Sentences:

  1. "Good time management practices can help individuals complete tasks more efficiently and reduce feelings of overwhelm."
  2. "Time management is essential for balancing work and personal life effectively."
  3. "Many people find it difficult to implement time management strategies due to distractions and competing priorities."
  4. "Improving time management skills can lead to increased productivity and lower stress levels."

4. "Improving time management skills can lead to increased productivity and lower stress levels."


Argument: Healthy eating habits are important for preventing chronic diseases and maintaining overall health.

Topic Sentences:

  1. "Eating a balanced diet helps in managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease."
  2. "Healthy eating can be difficult to maintain due to the temptation of processed and fast foods."
  3. "Adopting a nutritious diet supports long-term health and well-being."
  4. "Maintaining a variety of foods in one's diet ensures that all nutritional needs are met."

1. "Eating a balanced diet helps in managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease."


Paragraph A: "Online education offers flexibility and convenience that traditional classroom settings often cannot match. Students can learn from anywhere and at any time, which is especially beneficial for working professionals and those with family responsibilities. For example, online courses allow individuals in remote areas to access high-quality education. However, it’s important to acknowledge that online learning may lack the personal interaction that some students need."

Paragraph B: "Traditional education in a classroom setting provides a structured learning environment that can be crucial for academic success. Classroom interactions and immediate feedback from teachers can significantly enhance the learning experience. Studies have shown that students in traditional settings often achieve higher grades than those who study online. Despite this, some argue that traditional methods may not be as effective for all types of learners."

Paragraph C: "Blended learning, which combines online and face-to-face education, is a flexible and effective approach. It allows students to benefit from both the convenience of online resources and the interpersonal aspects of classroom learning. Research has found that blended learning models can lead to better student outcomes compared to purely online or traditional methods. Nevertheless, implementing blended learning can be challenging due to the need for adequate technology and training."

Paragraph C: "Blended learning, which combines online and face-to-face education, is a flexible and effective approach. It allows students to benefit from both the convenience of online resources and the interpersonal aspects of classroom learning. Research has found that blended learning models can lead to better student outcomes compared to purely online or traditional methods. Nevertheless, implementing blended learning can be challenging due to the need for adequate technology and training."


Paragraph A: "Climate change poses significant risks to global agriculture. Rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can negatively affect crop yields and food security. For instance, a report from the World Bank indicates that climate change could reduce wheat production by up to 20% in the next 30 years. Nevertheless, some scientists argue that technological advancements in agriculture may mitigate these impacts."

Paragraph B: "Climate change has diverse and far-reaching effects on various ecosystems. Warmer temperatures can lead to habitat loss for numerous species and disrupt natural processes. For example, coral reefs are experiencing widespread bleaching due to rising sea temperatures. However, it is worth considering that some ecosystems may adapt to these changes over time."

Paragraph C: "Addressing climate change requires immediate and comprehensive policy action. Governments must implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and invest in renewable energy sources. Evidence suggests that countries with aggressive climate policies see faster improvements in air quality and public health. On the other hand, the economic costs of such measures can be significant, leading to debates about their feasibility."

Paragraph A: "Climate change poses significant risks to global agriculture. Rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can negatively affect crop yields and food security. For instance, a report from the World Bank indicates that climate change could reduce wheat production by up to 20% in the next 30 years. Nevertheless, some scientists argue that technological advancements in agriculture may mitigate these impacts."


Paragraph A: "Implementing renewable energy sources is crucial for reducing our carbon footprint. Solar and wind power are two of the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels. For example, Germany’s transition to renewable energy has significantly lowered its greenhouse gas emissions. However, the initial investment for renewable energy infrastructure can be quite high."

Paragraph B: "Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for decades and are still crucial to many economies. They provide reliable and consistent energy that renewable sources sometimes cannot match. Some argue that the transition to renewable energy may disrupt industries dependent on fossil fuels. Despite this, the long-term environmental benefits of reducing fossil fuel use are substantial."

Paragraph C: "Energy conservation is an effective way to reduce overall energy consumption. Simple measures like improving home insulation and using energy-efficient appliances can lead to significant savings. For instance, studies show that households that implement energy-saving practices can reduce their energy bills by up to 30%. However, not all households may have the resources to invest in such improvements."

Paragraph A: "Implementing renewable energy sources is crucial for reducing our carbon footprint. Solar and wind power are two of the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels. For example, Germany’s transition to renewable energy has significantly lowered its greenhouse gas emissions. However, the initial investment for renewable energy infrastructure can be quite high."


Paragraph A: "Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Vaccines have been proven to significantly reduce the incidence of diseases such as measles and polio. For example, the global eradication of smallpox is a testament to the success of vaccination programs. Nonetheless, some individuals are concerned about vaccine safety, though rigorous testing and monitoring are conducted to ensure their efficacy."

Paragraph B: "Medical research plays a crucial role in advancing healthcare. Innovations in medical technology and treatments often stem from rigorous research studies. For example, the development of new medications has led to improved management of chronic conditions like diabetes. On the other hand, some argue that the high cost of medical research can limit its accessibility."

Paragraph C: "Public health initiatives are essential for promoting community well-being. Programs focused on nutrition, exercise, and preventive care can improve overall health outcomes. For instance, community-based health campaigns have successfully reduced smoking rates. However, it is important to consider that not all public health initiatives reach all segments of the population equally."

Paragraph A: "Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Vaccines have been proven to significantly reduce the incidence of diseases such as measles and polio. For example, the global eradication of smallpox is a testament to the success of vaccination programs. Nonetheless, some individuals are concerned about vaccine safety, though rigorous testing and monitoring are conducted to ensure their efficacy."


Paragraph A: "Urban green spaces provide numerous benefits to city dwellers. Parks and gardens offer recreational opportunities and contribute to improved mental health. Research has shown that people who have access to green spaces experience lower stress levels and higher overall well-being. However, the maintenance of these spaces can be costly for city budgets."

Paragraph B: "Public transportation systems are crucial for reducing urban traffic congestion. Efficient transit options can lead to fewer cars on the road and decreased air pollution. For instance, cities with extensive public transportation networks, such as Tokyo, have lower rates of traffic accidents. Yet, there are concerns about the reliability and coverage of public transit in less densely populated areas."

Paragraph C: "Affordable housing is a significant issue in many urban areas. Rising property prices have made it increasingly difficult for low-income families to find suitable housing. Programs aimed at increasing the supply of affordable housing can help alleviate this problem. However, critics argue that such programs may not address the root causes of housing shortages."

Paragraph A: "Urban green spaces provide numerous benefits to city dwellers. Parks and gardens offer recreational opportunities and contribute to improved mental health. Research has shown that people who have access to green spaces experience lower stress levels and higher overall well-being. However, the maintenance of these spaces can be costly for city budgets."