Large Language Models
Popular LLM Models
Key LLM Concepts
LLM Applications
LLM Challenges & Ethics

his term refers to a model trained on a vast dataset, capable of generating and understanding human language.

What is a Large Language Model (LLM)?


This LLM, created by OpenAI, is one of the most well-known models, used in applications like ChatGPT.

What is GPT?


This is a common method LLMs use to predict the next word in a sequence.

What is token prediction?


LLMs are often used to summarize lengthy documents into shorter, more digestible content.

What is text summarization?


This challenge arises when LLMs are trained on biased or unrepresentative data.

What is data bias?


This is the architecture behind many popular LLMs, including GPT models.

What is the Transformer architecture?


This LLM developed by Google is a rival to OpenAI's GPT, integrated into products like Google Search and Workspace.

What is PaLM (Pathways Language Model)?


This technique involves scaling LLM training on huge datasets with minimal task-specific adjustments.

What is few-shot learning?


This common use of LLMs involves answering user queries in a conversational format.

What is chatbot or conversational AI?


This refers to LLMs being transparent about how they make decisions or generate text.

What is interpretability?


A common term for when an LLM continues generating coherent text from a prompt

What is text completion?


This LLM was developed by Meta and is known for its open-source nature.

What is LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI)?


LLMs often perform this task, converting raw text into vectors for machine processing.

What is embedding?


LLMs are used in this application to help translate text from one language to another.

What is machine translation?


These techniques are used to prevent sensitive or personal data from being leaked in LLM outputs.

What is differential privacy?


This term describes LLMs generating entirely fabricated or misleading information in a confident manner.

What is hallucination?


his model developed by Anthropic is known for its focus on safety and usability in AI.

What is Claude?


The term used to describe how LLMs are exposed to vast, diverse datasets during training.

What is pretraining?


A use case where LLMs extract key entities like names or locations from unstructured text.

What is named entity recognition (NER)?


This ethical concern relates to LLMs generating harmful, offensive, or dangerous content.

What is content moderation?


This strategy allows LLMs to improve their performance by leveraging knowledge gained from multiple tasks, avoiding task-specific training.

What is multi-task learning?


This multilingual LLM developed by OpenAI is designed for text translation and cross-lingual tasks.

What is GPT-4 Turbo?


This training technique involves reinforcing desired behaviors in LLMs by interacting with human evaluators.

What is Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)?


This LLM application helps developers generate or complete code based on natural language descriptions.

What is code generation?


A critical debate revolves around the potential job displacement caused by LLM-powered automation.

What is AI-driven unemployment?