History of Medicine
History of Medications
Neurology Basics

This ancient greek philosopher is the origin of the famous phrase “First, do no harm.”

Who was Hippocrates?


This famous antibiotic was discovered accidentally in 1928, when a fungal spore of a bread mold fell into a petri dish full of bacteria.

What is Penicillin?


This basic cell of the brain is characterized by its ability to collect a number of signals, and send a single electrical pulse.

What is a Neuron?


This class of object replicates by injecting DNA into other cells. A subgroup of this microbe was responsible for the pandemic. Widespread debate exists as to whether or not this microbe is actually alive or not.

What is a Virus?


This class of drugs was first developed in the 1980s, and first marketed in the US in 1987 under the name “Prozac.” Despite common prescription, the biological function of this drug is not known. It is believed to function by slowing the rate at which serotonin is removed from the synapse.

What is an SSRI?


This segment of the brain controls rational thought, and personality, and is found towards the front of the brain. Notably, this part of the brain is less able to act when a person is feelingly strongly emotional, but can regain control through deep breathing, and other calming exercises.

What is the frontal lobe?


Known for its distinctive black bulbous sores, this famous disease is believed to have killed about one third of the world population, and is the subject of the nursery rhyme “Ring around the rosie.” The diease still exists to this day.

What is the Bubonic Plague?


This synthetic opioid is derived from morphine, and was originally intended to function as a cough suppressant. Eventually, after the addictive nature of the drug was found, it was banned by most countries. In emergency situations, naloxone (brand name "narcan") can be used to treat overdoes from this drug.

What is Heroin?


This part of the brain is the evolutionarily oldest in the body, with all other parts of the brain stemming from this section. It controls most basic physiological functions. Additionally, this is the part where the left side of the brain switches to control the right side of the body, and the body switches to control the left side of the body.

What is the brainstem?


This lethal disease was characterized by small pus filled poxes. In 1796 it was discovered that this disease could be fully prevented by intentionally infecting oneself with Cowpox, a related, but much less severe disease. Starting in 1958, the world health organization started a campaign of vaccinations against this disease, eventually eradicating this disease entirely in 1977. The US still stockpiles a small amount of this deadly bacteria.

What is Smallpox?


This stimulant crystalline medication was developed as a nasal decongestant, weight loss drug, and energy pill. It was also used by both pilots and tank crews in World War 2. Though it has since been tightly regulated, this medication is still occasionally prescribed as an ADHD medication, though the highly similar drug “adderall” has become more common.

What is methamphetamine


This structure is formed two connected neurons, allowing one to send signals to the other. This structure uses chemicals to transmit signals, with psychotropic medications generally modifying the characteristics of the signals.

What is a synapse?


In 1847 this doctor proposed that washing hands with a lye-based soap might be effective in preventing disease in otherwise healthy patients. His theory was considered so radical at the time that his contemporaries had him imprisoned.

Who was Ignaz Semmelweis?


As early as 2600 BCE, this medical practice centered around the use of herbs and chemical ingredients for treatment of disease. This practice involved cultivating rare and often toxic plants for their medicinal effects. While the original practitioners of this craft would eventually go on to name themselves “pharmacologists,” the term is now used by practitioners of alternative medicine

What is an apothecary?


This structure of the brain is largely responsible for feelings of fear and anxiety. It is found near the center of your brain. When it is active, this part of the brain can override the logical part of your brain, and produce an overwhelming sense of fear, alongside physiological symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, a lump in your throat, and sweaty palms.

What is the amygdala