Function Notation
Function Application

Name the coefficients:

-3x+ 2x - 4y -9

-3, 2, -4


Evaluate f(-1):

f(-1) = -4


Let f(h) be the amount of likes on your Instagram post after posting h hours ago. Explain the meaning of each of the following statements:

f(5) = 300

After 5 hours, you have 300 likes. 


Name the Constant(s):

-3x+ 2x - 4y -9



Evaluate f(2):

f(2) = 5


Let f(h) be the amount of likes on your Instagram post after posting h hours ago. Explain the meaning of each of the following statements:

f(h) = L

After h hours, you have L likes.


How many terms are below?

-3x+ 2x - 4y -9



Evaluate f(0):

f(0) = 3


Let f(h) be the amount of likes on your Instagram post after posting h hours ago. Explain the meaning of each of the following statements:

f(7) = L

After 7 hours, you have L likes.


At the store, hamburger is $4 per pound and beans are $2 per can. Here is an expression to find the total cost: 4h + 2b. 

What does h represent?

What does b represent?

h - total pounds of hamburger purchased

b - total cans of beans purchased


Is the following graph a function or a non-function? Why?

Yes, the function passes the vertical line test. 

Your water bottle has 30oz of water in it. Every hour you drink 8.5oz. 

The algebraic expression f(h) = 30 - 8.5h represents the total number of remaining in your water bottle.

Would it make sense to evaluate the following? Why or why not?



f(3) - Yes. If you drink water for 3 hours, you will have 4.5oz left.

f(4) - No. If you drink water for 4 hours, you will have -4oz left. You would need a refill!


The expression 100x + 1000 represents the money in your math teacher's savings account after x months. 

What does 100x represent? 

What does the 1000 represent?

100x - saving $100 every month

1000 - initial amount of money in the account


Provide a value to complete the table to make a function AND a value that would make the table a non-function.

Function: Any value that other than 55, 66, and 78.

Non-Function: 55, 66, or 78.


Your water bottle has 30oz of water in it. Every hour you drink 5.5oz. 

The algebraic expression f(h) = 30 - 5.5h represents the total number of remaining in your water bottle.

Provide 3 possible domain values for the following situation, then calculate how much oz you have left for each of your domain values.

0 hour - 30oz

1 hour - 24.5oz

2 hours - 19oz

3 hours - 13.5oz

4 hours - 8oz