How old do you have to be to participate in DELTA?
18-22 years old
Your rent is $400... you have $600... do you have enough to pay rent?
Where can you find a recipe?
cook book, internet
Who puts out fires?
Delta is a.....
Transition program
Can you read this number correctly
What is the abbreviation for cup?
Someone you call in an emergency.
Police officer
What do you work on in DELTA?
independent living, employment skills, self advocacy
I wake up at 5:30 and I am at school by 7:00... how much time has passed?
1 hour 30 mins
1hr and a half
What does LB stand for?
I wear a hard hat and build things.
construction worker
problem solving, communication, and time management is what type of skill?
Soft skills!
Job site starts at 1pm and ends at 4pm.. how long are you at the job site?
3 hours
Double the amount.
1/2 cup
1 cup
I am a person that assists doctor. I take your temperature and check vitals.
researcher, social media expert, project manager, translator, nursing skills....are all types of what kind if skill?
Hard Skills
Rent costs $400 and your electric bill is $115... how much are your bills in all?
Double the amount.
1/4 teaspoon
1/2 teaspoon
I own cows and pigs. I grow vegetables and fruits and sell them at market.