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Reasons colonies were founded
Facts about the colonies
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An agreement between the Pilgrims and other passengers on The Mayflower to form their own government while the ship was anchored off the coast of modern-day Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This colony was given to someone's son as a gift by King Charles II to repay a debt.

What is Pennsylvania?


This is the first permanent English settlement in North America.

What is Jamestown?


This is the year Christopher Columbus discovered America.

What is 1492?


The name for this period in history literally means "rebirth".

What is The Rennaissance?


These were a series of wars started by Europeans to try to win back the Holy Land from the Muslims.

What are the Crusades?


He started the colony of Georgia to help those imprisoned for debt.

Who is James Oglethorpe?


This is who/what founded the Virginia colony.

What is the Virginia Company?


This is the person that America is named after.

Who is Amerigo Vespucci?


This man was from the age of Enlightment and flew a kite in a thunderstorm.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


He started the Protestant Reformation, which divided Christianity in western Europe between Catholicism and Protestantism.

Who is Martin Luther?


This colony was founded by the Dutch because they wanted to find tradable goods like fur pelts and whale oil.

What is Delaware?


These are four of the five Southern colonies.

What are four of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland?


The exchange of food, crops, diseases, ideas, and populations between Europe and the Americas.

What is The Columbian Exchange?


This is what a colony is called when a king takes it over.

What is a Royal Colony?


This was Virginia's first representative body in Colonial America.

What is the House of Burgesses?


These were Puritans who chose to leave the church and form their own congregations; they were known as Separatists, or this...

What are Pilgrims?


This adventurer/soldier took control of Jamestown and forced colonists to farm, thus helping them survive.

Who is John Smith?


Columbus was Italian, but his first voyage to the Americas was funded by this country.

What is Spain?


This killed millions of Europeans and left their bodies covered with boils and black blotches.

What is the Plague or Bubonic Plague or Black Death?


These are the original 13 colonies

What are Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire


This colony was a middle colony that was seized and renamed after its new proprietor, the king's brother.

What is New York?


People who entered into limited-time servitude in exchange for food, shelter, and passage costs.

What is an indentured servant?


"Henry the Navigator" started a sailing school in this place, his home country on the western side of Spain.

What is Portugal?


Under the "headright system" anyone who paid for passage to Virginia received this much land.

What is 50 acres?