Internet Meme Characters
Summer Olympic Sports
Superheroes and Villains
Conspiracy Theories
Dances of the World

A Pokemon whose surprised face is used as the basis of many memes.

What is "Pikachu"?


A sport in which the teams consist of 10 players in the field plus the goalie. It is the most popular team sport at the Summer Olympics (and the world in general).

What is "football / soccer"?


A superhero known for his patriotic shield. He was created during World War II and fights for justice as a member of the Avengers.

Who is "Captain America"?


A group of people who believe the Earth isn’t round but rather shaped like a disc.

Who are the "Flat Earthers"?


A classical dance originated in France, but majorly developed in Russia, where it's very popular to this day, especially thanks to the Bolshoi Theater company of dancers. It features movements like pirouettes and grand jetés and is often performed to orchestral music.

What is "Ballet"?


A very popular 1999 film that inspired this meme, which is sometimes known as "two pills".

What is "The Matrix"?


A sport introduced in the 1996 Olympics which combines strength, speed, and agility, and is played on a sand court, with 2 duos facing off against each other.

What is "beach volleyball"?


A villain with a signature clown-like appearance and chaotic personality who is Batman’s arch-nemesis.

Who is the "Joker"?


A structure in New York city that was destroyed in 9/11 2001. Some people believe it did not collapse thanks to an terrorist attack, but a controlled demolition planned by the US government.

What is the "WTC / Twin Towers"?


An elegant ballroom dance, originally from Austria and Germany, is known for its graceful, flowing movements in 3/4 time. It's a popular dance until the modern day in formal situations, such as Debutante balls and wedding celebrations.

What is the "Waltz"?


A phrase traditionally said by the Question Hound (the dog in this meme), which feels like the complete opposite of its situation.

What is "This is fine"?


A Olympic track and field event in which competitors run in circles for 42.195 kilometers, often through city streets.

What is "marathon"?


A Marvel antihero character, also known as Wade Wilson, who started out as a simple mercenary but after dangerous scientific experimentation developed an advanced healing factor almost making him immortal. He's known for his dark humour and more recently for his movies with jokes and themes for adults.

Who is "Deadpool"?


A legendary musician and singer from the 1960s, known as the King of Rock, who is believed to have faked his own death and continued living for many years after his official death in 1977.

Who is "Elvis Presley"?


A dance style originated in the Bronx (NYC) in the 1970s, involving athletic moves such as spinning on the head or back, and is a key element of hip hop culture.

What is "Breakdance"?


A famous rapper who inspired this meme with his video clip for the song "Hotline Bling".

Who is "Drake"?


An aquatic sport, performed in duets, teams, or solo, and combines swimming, dancing, and gymnastics to music.

What is "synchronized / artistic swimming"?


A superhero whose real name is T’Challa and uses advanced technology and superhuman abilities to protect his people in the hidden African nation of Wakanda.

Who is the "Black Panther"?


The year in which some conspiracy theories believed the world would end. This was due to it being the very last year in the Long Count Mayan calendar. The theory gained such traction that a movie was created inspired by it, in which apocalyptic events occur.

What was "2012"?


A fitness program, created in Colombia in the 1990s. It combines Latin music with aerobic dance moves to create an engaging and energetic workout. Often practiced in gym classes as a way to both exercise and have fun.

What is "Zumba"?


An actor who inspired this meme, which shows the character Vincent Vega from the movie Pulp Fiction, looking around confused.

Who is "John Travolta"?


A sport where competitors wear large masks to protect their faces and duel using swords called épées. It is one of the original Olympic sports from 1896.

What is "fencing"?


This villain, formerly known as Oswald Cobblepot, is a mob boss in Gotham City with a signature umbrella weapon from which he fires bullets like a machine gun. He's often depicted as wearing a monocle, a hat and having a very large nose.

Who is the "Penguin"?


A place located in Nevada where conspiracy theorists claim there is a secretive government base which hides evidence of alien life, or perhaps even living aliens themselves.

What is "Area 51"?


A traditional Hawaiian dance using graceful hand and body movements to tell a story, often accompanied by chants or songs. Dancers often wear clothes decorated with plants or flowers. It was popularized internationally through the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch.

What is the "Hula"?