Types of Boundaries
Creating Boundaries
Respecting Others Boundaries
Recognizing our Boundaries
Healthy Boundaries

What is a physical boundary?

A boundary that is based on your physical limits

Ex: I would not like to be touched.


To know how to create a boundary, we must first understand what a boundary is..

What is a boundary?

It refers to limits in relationships or situations that define what we see as acceptable behavior or respecting our limits


What is an example of respecting somebody's boundaries?

Listening and accepting others boundaries

Not trying to change others boundaries


What are emotional signals that somebody is crossing your boundaries?

 discomfort or frustration


What is the difference between a soft boundary and a hard boundary?

Hard boundaries are your non-negotiables. Soft boundaries are a boundary that you can adapt or change


What is a time boundary?

A time boundary is a boundary that is created around the time you have.


Why can communication be more effective when using 'I' statements 

They allow for you to focus on your feelings and not be confrontational in an accusatory way therefore allowing for the other person to listen without becoming defensive.


This term describes the ability to understand and appreciate when someone needs space or time alone, without taking it personally.

Respecting personal space?- Physical boundary


Would the following example be a personal or professional boundary?

Our emotional and physical well-being in relationships.



This essential communication style involves saying "no" without feeling guilty, allowing you to protect your time and energy.



What is a material boundary?

A material boundary is a boundary created based on the materials you own (phone, house, money etc.)


What is the importance of communication in establishing and maintaining boundaries?

Without communication, you cannot establish a boundary let alone maintain a boundary. Communication is the key to any conflict.


This phrase describes the practice of checking in with someone to ensure they feel comfortable and safe in a conversation or interaction.

Asking for consent 


This self-care practice involves regularly assessing and adjusting your boundaries to ensure they align with your current needs and circumstances.

Boundary maintenance 

When is the best time to set a boundary?

Being proactive is the best way, letting somebody know your boundary before they get the chance to cross it.


Can you give an example of each boundary?






Physical- "I would not like touched right now."

Material- "I need my car today, you are unable to use it today"

Intellectual- " I can see that we view this differently and that is okay"

Time- " I do not have time to go to the mall with you today as I have other plans"

Emotional- "I am not in a place right now to talk about this."


Billy wants to use your car, but the last time he used your car he brought it back with an empty tank and a new dent.

How can you create this boundary with Billy in a healthy way?

"You can use my car but you need to make sure to put gas in it as well as drive is very carefully, last time it came back with no gas and a new dent and if this happens again I will no longer be able to lend it to you."


Active listening and validating someone’s feelings are crucial skills in this type of communication that respects boundaries.

Empathetic communication


This type of boundary involves determining what kinds of behaviors or comments you will accept from others, often influencing your emotional well-being.

Emotional boundaries


Give an example of all communication styles


Passive aggressive 



Passive- "It's okay, we can do what you want instead."

Passive Aggressive- "Yeah I will do that, if I have to I guess."

Aggressive- "We always do what you want."

Assertive- "I already had plans to do this, but we can do what you want after if there is time."


What is the difference between an intellectual boundary and an emotional boundary 

Intellectual Boundaries:  Are your personal ideas, beliefs, and thoughts. 

Emotional Boundaries:  Are your limits that separate your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions from the other person


This essential skill involves expressing your needs and limits clearly to others, ensuring that your personal space and emotional health are respected in relationships.

Assertive communication 


In a workplace, respecting this boundary often means refraining from discussing personal matters unless invited to do so.

Professional boundaries 


When it comes to recognizing our boundaries, what can impact the boundaries we create?

Our values, feelings, upbringing etc


What is the difference between a rigid boundary, a porous boundary and a healthy boundary?

Bonus 100 if you can identify which is rigid and which is porous.

The difference between a rigid/porous and healthy boundary is one keeps people at a distance, one allows people to cross your boundaries too easily and one is just right

Bonus: Rigid Boundaries keep people at a distance, porous boundaries allow people to change your boundaries too easily. Healthy boundaries allow for effective and healthy communcation/relationships