Spheres 1
Spheres 2
Interacting Spheres

The sphere of Earth that has all of Earth's organisms

What is the biosphere?


The sphere that includes all the gas around Earth

What is the atmosphere?


The layer of the geosphere where we live 

What is the crust?


Sometimes fires burn down large areas of forests that are part of the biosphere. Which of Earth’s other system is MOST likely to be affected? A.geosphere B. cryosphere C. atmosphere D. hydrosphere

What is C? Atmosphere


Someone who studies the Earth's oceans

Who is an oceanographer?

All of the water on Earth

What is the hydrosphere?


The sphere that contains all the rock on Earth

What is the geosphere?


The warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of earth that occurs when water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases absorb and reradiate thermal energy

what is the greenhouse effect?


Which of these parts of the Earth system are interacting when Florida’s orange trees grow? A. Biosphere, hydrosphere, & atmosphere B. Geosphere, & atmosphere C. Biosphere, hydrosphere D. atmosphere, & hydrosphere

What is A? Biosphere, hydrosphere, & atmosphere


Even though Carbon Dioxide is a small percentage of the Earth’s atmosphere it greatly influences the __________ of the atmosphere. A. Mass B. Height C. Heating D. Density

what is C. Heating?


78% of this sphere is Nitrogen

What is the atmosphere?


Makes up 3% of all water on Earth

What is freshwater?


Someone who studies everything beyond the Earth's atmosphere

What is an astronomer?


Amber is walking down the sidewalk & the wind is blowing her hair & skirt. Which parts of the Earth system are interacting? A. hydrosphere and geosphere B. atmosphere and biosphere C. hydrosphere and biosphere D. geosphere and atmosphere

What is B? atmosphere & biosphere


Name two fields of study in Earth Science

What is environmental science, geology, oceanography, astronomy, and meteorology?


Increasing temperatures are causing increased weathering to this sphere. 

What is the geosphere?


This sphere includes the Hudson River, and the fish that live within it. 

What is the biosphere?


Someone who studies past environments and animals.

What is a paleontologist?


While out on a walk by the river Emanuel noticed a bird fishing in the water and a raccoon feeding on the bank river. Which statement best describes an interaction of the spheres he is looking at? A. The biosphere gets matter from the atmosphere B. The geosphere gets energy from the atmosphere C. The biosphere get matter from the hydrosphere D. The atmosphere gets energy from the hydrosphere.

What is C? the biosphere gets matter from the hydrosphere


Of the following gases named, which one can trap the greatest amount of heat? A. Oxygen gas B. Nitrogen gas C. Carbon dioxide D. Ozone

What is carbon dioxide?


All the spheres of Earth

what is the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the geosphere, and the biosphere?


Ozone is a gas found mostly in the upper atmosphere. What is the main benefit of ozone? A. Ozone protects the Earth from loose space debris B. Ozone is responsible for rain, which provides water for Earth C. Ozone traps gravity so objects on Earth do not float away. D. Ozone filters out ultraviolet radiation from the sun & shields Earth from some of this harmful energy.

What is D. Ozone filters out ultraviolet radiation from the sun & shields Earth from some of this harmful energy?


Name 2 subspecialties of astronomy

What is cosmology, astrobiology, astrophysics, planetary geology, etc?


Rico is at the beach watching the waves. Which of these parts of the Earth system interacts with the hydrosphere to produce the waves at the beach? A. biosphere B. geosphere C. cryosphere D. atmosphere

What is D. atmosphere?


The atmosphere contains an abundance of gases. These two gases have the highest percentages.  

What is Nitrogen and Oxygen?