What is Collaboration?
How YOU Can be a Collaborative Peer?
The Positive Impact of Collaboration

Name three examples on who you might collaborate with in your daily life, according to the video.

Our classmates, family members, future co-workers


Share at least two examples on where we might see collaboration.

In our school community, on a sports team, in a workplace, in your home, etc.


Why should we collaborate with others? 

(Multiple answers): Because it allows everyone to feel comfortable, therefore allowing them to communicate well with others and produce their best work.


How many people are part of a collaborative team?

Two or more


Fill in the blank: Collaboration is all about listening to other people's opinions and beliefs and being able to share your ideas in a ___ manner.

A) Dismissive

B) Respectful

C) Rude

D) Ignorant

B) Respectful


What can happen when we collaborate with others? 

(Multipile answers): When we collaborate with others, it allows them to feel good about sharing/communicating their opinions and feelings and then this behavior makes a collaborative environment.


TRUE OR FALSE: According to prior studies, most employees are proven to do worse work when collaborating with surrounding colleagues.

FALSE. Studies show that employees are more likely to produce their best work while in a group.


What are some ways we can succeed in showing respect collaboratively? (Give at least two examples, such as those from the video)

Brainstorming and accepting everyone's ideas while working in a group, making sure everyone is included in the conversation, and being an open-minded individual who listens and shares.


Are there any downsides to respectfully and effectively collaborating with your classmates? 

No, there are not many downsides to collaborating with your classmates. Even if you are a bit shy, it always helps yourself to step out of your comfort zone in order to make sure your classmates feel respected and comfortable.