
True or False: The freedom of religion guaranteed by the Charter influences how religious practices are permitted in public areas and institutions, If false give a reason to back up your answer 



How does the charter protect the rights of individuals who do not speak the language of the court?

Guarantees the right to an interpreter in court proceedings for those who do not understand the language used in court.


In what ways does the charter ensure the right to a fair trial?

  • Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty

  • Everyone has the right to be tried within a reasonable time

  • Right to a public hearing

  • Right to self-defence (lawyer)


How does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms support those with disabilities or who are financially disadvantaged?

The Charter requires that governments take steps to ensure that people with disabilities or who are financially disadvantaged have access to services, programs, and opportunities


How does the governance structure outlined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms help in managing the Canadian government?

It creates a system where power is shared between the federal, provincial and municipal government, ensuring that no single person or level of government has too much power or control.