Product Pulse
Customer Analytics

Analysis found that these two Fall LTO flavors showed diverging customer groups, highlighting opportunities for parallel innovation. 

Pumpkin and Apple


Enhanced these standard reports to give additional visibility to leaders at more granular levels on performance

Weekly reporting decks and monthly reporting


The process used to capturing the exiting of a food item or beverage ingredient, including PMA and cross-functional tasks, to create consistency across categories and BU’s, and mitigate write-off and customer and partner confusion

Exit Documentation


Drastically increased speed to data, with a record turnaround time for Fall Mid-Promo insights within X amount of weeks

4 weeks


The recommendation to pull forward these item was made because these items were found to have created a sweet spot between LTO indulgence and core routinization. 

Said another way, these allowed customers to add a little bit of Holiday magic into their daily routines.

Holiday Cold Foams


This memo developed an approach to develop decision framework and improved understanding on what Core / LTO contribute to the business

Core to LTO Memo


The model used to assess the trade-off’s of leaning into or out of buys for LTO’s and new core items. 

This was used recently to determine the right strategy for Fall Pumpkin Muffin, and Holiday Cran-merry Refresher 

LTO Buy Model


This memo provided guardrails for future promotion frequency and products that should be supported. 

Hint: Colloquially referred to as THE Memo

Promo Cadence Memo


Through the use of this refreshed analytical approach, the team was able to show diminishing returns for each additional lavender plus ups in regards to growing reach across new customers.

Incremental Reach (De-duplicated Reach)


Support of exit for these beverage items:

T_ _ F F _ _      N_ T

T _ A _ _ E _     V_ _ _ _ _ A

O_ _ A _ _ (Everyone's Favorite!)

C _ _ _ A M _ N      C _ R _ M E _ 

Liquid _ _ _ _ Syrup

Toffee Nut

Toasted Vanilla


Cinnamon Caramel

Liquid Cane Syrup


This newly refreshed framework will reduce waste and improve SKU efficiency for our largest licensees, Target, Kroger, Albertsons & Regional Grocers, provide a consistent customer experience, and make room for exciting innovation 

LS Standard Assortment


Recently created a framework to dive into data at the customer and transaction level for these 2 qualitative survey response metrics.

Taste and Worth Scores