How many VOCABULARY words/phrases are highlighted on page 1?
9 (See the green highlighted words.)
Which strategy is used on the bottom right corner of page 5?
Symbols (a picture of a flower)
How many pages use red pen to make important comments?
15 out of 16!! (Page 4, which is 1 small paragraph, is the only page which does NOT use this strategy.)
Why is a whole paragraph highlighted in pink on page 5?
This is a question the study has. The student doesn't understand this paragraph and wants to make sure to get clarification later.
Which strategy is NOT used at all in this example?
post-its & dog ears
(Remember, it's okay to not use every strategy, but you should use most of them and a variety of strategies.)
How many QUESTIONS does this student mark in their annotation?
19! (See the pink highlighted sections.)
What's the purpose of the large section highlighted in blue at the top of page 7?
This is a summary of the injustice MLK suffered.
Which annotation strategy is used on the bottom of page 2?
graphic organizer
How many pages use circling, boxing, or lines and arrows?
15 out of 16!! (Page 4, which is 1 small paragraph, is the only page which does NOT use this strategy.)
On page 9, why are the first two sentences of paragraph 11 highlighted in orange?
Orange means this is an important idea.
Which strategy is used most often in this example?
Highlighting & underlining with different colors.
How many pages include a summary?
8 out of 16
See pages 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, & 14
In the middle of page 11, why is "air and light" highlighted in yellow?
This shows a connection to the sentence below. (Explanation of what he means by "air and light.")
What strategy did this student "invent" that's not on the list of strategies?
They use their native language translation on almost every page.
See page 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16.
How many pages include a definition of a new or unfamiliar word?
All 16 pages include at least one definition! (But usually there are several on each page.)