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Airways and Answers

This primary lung component is where much of the COPD-related dyspnea occurs.



A patient with COPD may experience a sudden increase in mucous production, coughing, and dyspnea. This is an example of ______________.

COPD exacerbation


The nurse is assessing a patient with COPD, what history must the nurse obtain? Kindly provide 1.

Any of the following: smoking or vaping history, recurrent lower respiratory tract infections, chronic intermittent cough w/ or w/o sputum production, wheezing, progressive dyspnea, history of inhalational exposure to smoke, occupational dust, or chemicals, family history of COPD, history of concomitant chronic diseases or comorbidities, 


What is the cure for COPD?

There is no cure.


Though staying active and maintaining a healthy weight is important, COPD patients must remember to promote ______________, as overexertion can cause SOB and dyspnea.



The main pathophysiological feature of COPD is ____________.

airflow limitation


COPD can cause pulmonary hypertension leading to Cor Pulmonale which is right sided heart failure d/t lung disease. A tell-tale sign of this condition is __________ which can be seen in an C-Ray.

Right sided heart enlargement


The SPOlevel of patients with COPD is at ______.

88% - 92%


How do you prevent further damage from COPD?

Do not smoke or stop smoking


What sort of diet best suits your COPD patient?

high protein with adequate fluid intake

helps maintain muscle, prevent weight loss, helps produce antibodies that fight infection

Airway remodeling is an example of what kind of change, which is brought on by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress?

Structural changes


Patients with COPD have impaired gas exchange in the alveoli. This can put them in a state of hypercapnia putting them at risk of _________.

Respiratory Acidosis


A nurse is caring for a patient with COPD, what are the possible diagnostic findings? Kindly provide 2.

Any of the following:

Abnormal ABGs (dec PAO2 or SAO2, inc PACO2)

PFT – showing expiratory airflow obstruction

Chest X-ray – flattened diaphragm and hyperinflation

ECG – my show signs or RHF.


The nurse notices that the client is doing pursed lip breathing. What is the use of pursed lip breathing?

to release trapped carbon dioxide.


COPD patients are advised to get this annual vaccine to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

flu vaccine

can reduce the risk of hospitalization and worsening of symptoms


This feature is a good thing if it is a show on TLC, but awful when related to COPD.



Patients with COPD produce more mucous and may have an obstructed airway due to inflammation of the bronchioles. This can make it more difficult to expel bacterial pathogens leading to an increased risk of __________.

Respiratory Infections


A client with COPD who is beginning oxygen therapy asks the nurse how to manage the amount of oxygen given. How would the nurse instruct the client?

Adjust the oxygen depending on SpO2.


The nurse is caring for a patient and apply low flow O2. Why do the nurse use low flow O2?

High amounts of Ocan suppress the respiratory drive.


Along with quitting smoking, this environmental exposure is critical for COPD patients to avoid, as it can exacerbate symptoms.

air pollution AND/OR secondhand smoke

can cause flare ups, exacerbate current symptoms, increase inflammation within lung tissues, impair lung function


An old man is breathing hard and fast. The lungs will not work if they are lacking ___________. 



It’s recommended for patients with COPD to maintain an SpO2 saturation of 88%. Having a higher SpO2 saturation puts the patient at risk of a ___________.

Suppressed Respiratory Drive


The nurse monitors the respiratory status of the client being treated for acute exacerbation of COPD. Provide an assessment finding that would indicate deterioration in ventilation?

Rapid shallow respirations


The client is admitted to the hospital for COPD. What medications shall the nurse administer to reduce the symptoms of COPD?

Bronchodilators, expectorants


This nonpharmacologic therapy can improve the patients’ exercise capacity and quality of life by strengthening their respiratory muscles.

pulmonary rehabilitation

can be inpatient/outpatient/within the home, encompasses: exercise training, smoking cessation, nutritional counseling, relieving fatigue, improving emotional function