True or False
Size of Problem
Teacher vs. Counselor
Two truths and a lie

I work with individuals, groups, and classes. 



You heard someone say that they are going to fight another kid at recess. Is this a small, medium, or big problem?

Big - Someone will get hurt and you will need an adult's help to keep them safe. 


You are not feeling comfortable with who you are sitting with at your table. Should you tell your teacher or the counselor?



I will teach you about middle school

I will teach you about careers

I will teach you about self control

Lie: self control 


I help Mrs. Harris decide what the consequences are for bullying at Heritage

False - I do help her investigate bullying issues and may meet with the student who is bullying or who has gotten bullied to help them


You got into an argument with your sibling this morning and it put you into a cranky mood. Is this a small problem, medium problem, or big problem?

Small problem - You can practice a coping skill to move forward with your day like deep breathing, talking to a friend, talking to your parents, journal/draw, etc.


Someone in your class keeps making noises on purpose that bother you, even after you have asked them to stop. Should you tell the teacher or the counselor?


This is my second year at Heritage

I used to work as a counselor in KCMO 

This is my sixth year as a counselor 

I used to work in KCK not KCMO :)


When you share your problems with me, I will listen and know what to do to solve them. 

False - Different solutions work for different kids/situations. We can figure out what will help together. :)


Sometimes you feel left out from your friends at recess because they want to play a different game than you want to play. Is this a small, medium, or big problem?

Small - You can problem solve this on your own. Try playing with other people, trying their game instead, etc. 


You are having trouble focusing on your school work because you are going through a big family change at home and you're feeling sad. Should you tell the teacher or the counselor?

Counselor. You can also tell your teacher too :) 


I don't like spicy food

I don't like potatoes

I don't like seafood

Lie: spicy food


Sometimes I will share what you tell me with your teacher and/or your parents. 

True - If you give me permission I will share, or if these adults need to know what you shared so that you can stay safe or help you in a way that I cannot. 


Your parents have been fighting a lot and it is making you worry during the day at school. Is this a small, medium, or big problem?

Medium. You may need to talk to someone about how you are feeling. 


Someone said something mean to you in specials. You didn't think there was a good time to tell the specials teacher. Should you tell your teacher or the counselor?



I am a good singer

I am a good dancer 

I am a good artist



If a student gets in trouble, they might talk with the counselor. 

True - I will not give you a consequence, but we may discuss how to be kinder to others, how to manage feelings, conflict resolution skills, what to do next time or to remediate the situation 


Someone has been making fun of you for the last few days. Is this a small, medium, or big problem?

Medium - You may need an adults help to problem solve this if it does not stop. 


You are feeling worried about having to give a presentation in front of the class. You are so nervous about it that whenever you think about it you start to cry. Should you tell the teacher or the counselor?

Counselor. You can also tell your teacher too :)


I like to play volleyball

I like to play video games

I like to go fishing 

Lie: video games