What do you do if a child is choking
Call 9/11 and perform first aid if you know it
At what age can children understand the word no?
One year old
What sharp kitchen object should not be left where children can see or reach it?
A knife
Someone knocks on the door who isn't the parent
Don't answer
What age can children catch a ball most of the time?
Four years old
What playful and colorful objects can be a choking or tripping hazard?
What do you do if the child has a non-emergent injury?
Bandage them up if you know how and tell the parents
Contact a trusted neighbor
What age can children take turns playing games?
Five years old
What toxic liquid should not be accessible to children?
Cleaning supplies/Chemicals
What do you do if a pet gets out?
Stay with the kids and contact the parents
When can children draw a circle?
Three years old
What useful step-like item that helps you reach heights should be kept out of sight?
A ladder
What do you do if the child is disregarding instructions?
State your answer
At what age can children problem solve by coordinating their hands together?
Two years old
What item that are prescribed to keep you healthy can cause choking or poisoning in children?