2nd law F= ma
Net Force

A submarine left Hawaii and it traveled in 45 kilometers in 5 hours. What is the speed of the submarine?

9 km/h


A poorly tuned Geo Metro can accelerate from rest to a speed of 28 m/s in 20 s

1.4 m/s2


What is F?

net Force


A boy pulls a wagon with a force of 6 N east as another boy pushes it with a force of 4 N east. What is the net force?

10 N East


Jose started a trek in the mountains. If the trek to the mountain has a total distance of 100 km, how long will Jose travel if his speed is 2 m/s?

50000 s


At t = 0 a car has a speed of 30 m/s. At t = 6 s its speed is 14 m/s. What happened to the car's motion?

slowed down


An object with a mass of 2.0 kg accelerates 2.0 m/s2 when an unknown force is applied to it. What is the object's mass?

 2.0 kg

2 N east, 3 N south, 3N north. What is the net force?

2N east


Ryan left the science museum and drove south for 2 hours with a speed of 42 km/h. How far did he travel?

84 km


A lizard accelerates from 2 m/s to 10 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the lizard’s average acceleration?

2 m/s2


Two students are pushing a 5 kilogram box. Student A pushes to the right with a force of 8 N while student B pushes it to the left with 5N of force. What is the box's acceleration?

0. 6 m/s2 to the right


A car is parked on a level driveway. Are the forces on it balanced or unbalanced?



Jose left the White House and drove toward the recycling plant at an average speed of 40 km/h. If the distance traveled is 240 km, how long did it take Jose to travel that distance?

6 hours


A cyclist accelerates from 0 m/s to 8 m/s in 3 seconds. What is his acceleration ?

2.7 m/s2


An object with a mass of 5.0 kg has a force of 20.0 newtons applied to it. What is the resulting acceleration of the object?

4 m/s2


A rock is dropped from the top of a cliff. Are the forces on it balanced or unbalanced?



An aircraft carrier made a trip to Guam and back. The trip there took three hours and the trip back took four hours. It averaged 6 km/h on the return trip. Find the average speed of the trip going to Guam.

 8 km/h


At t = 0 a car has a speed of 30 m/s. At t = 6 s its speed is 14 m/s. What is the car's acceleration?

- 2.7 m/s2


An object with a mass of 1500 g (grams) accelerates 10.0 m/s2 . What is the unknown force is applied to it.

15 N


Buoyant force is 20 N while weight is 10 N. What is the net force.

10N up