True or False

Who was the first country to launch a satellite into space?

1. China

2. United States of America

3. The Soviet Union

Who are The Soviet Union?


What is the best satellite for using internet connection?

1. Navigation Satellites

2. Communication Satellites

3. Weather Satellites

What is Communication Satellites?


Russia owns the most satellites in space right now

What is False? 

Actually, the United States owns 3,433 satellites with China in second with only 541


How can satellites help with reaction and management of disasters?

1. By positioning rescue teams right away

2.By providing real-time images and data of affected areas

3. By predicting earthquakes

What is by providing real-time images and data of affected areas?


How much does it cost SpaceX to launch a single Starlink satellite?

1. $500,000

2. $1 Million

3. $5 Million

What is $1 Million?


How big was the first satellite?

1. The size of a beach ball

2. The size of a duck

3. The size of a truck

What is the size of a beach ball?


What is the best satellite for studing space?

1. Space Explorartations Satellites

2. Military Satellites 

3. Remote Sensing Satellites

What is Space Explorartations Satellites?


Satellites can be powered by solar panels

What is True?

Many satellites use solar panels to generate electricity from the sun


What are GPS satellites important for drivers?

1. They help find the best pizza places

2. They guide cars to the right locations

3. They make music play in cars

What is they guide cars to the right locations?


How much did Elon Musk initially invest to get SpaceX started?

1. $100 Million

2. $3 Billion

3. $50 Million

What is $100 Million?


What was the first satellite sent to space to do?

1. Sent to space to provide internet

2. Sent to collect information about the top part of the atmosphere and how thick it is

3. Sent to take pictures

What is sent to collect information about the top part of the atmosphere and how thick it is?


True or False: Earth Observation Satellites are used to predit the weather

What is False?

Earth Observation Satellites are actually used to observe the changes in the Earth caused by human activity


Satellites are only launched from space agencies in the U.S

What is False?

Satellites are launched all over the world at space agencies in countries such as Europe, Russia, China, and more.


What is the purpose of a transponder on a communications satellites?

1. To store data

2. To amplify and re-transmit signals back to Earth

3.To recieve signals from the satellite

What is to amplify and re-transmit signals back to Earth?

The transponder recieves the signals, increases them and sends them back to Earth in a higher frequency.


What is the approximate cost of manufacturing a single Starlink satellite?

1. $1 Million

2. $50 Million

3. $500,000

What is $500,000


How many satellites have been sent to space since 1957-2023?

1. 1,100,000


3. 11,000

What is 11,000?


What satllite is used for navigating?

1. Astronomical Satellites

2. International Space Station

3. Navigation Satellites

What is Navigation Satellites?


All satellites send data back to Earth

What is False?

Not all satellites are used to send data back to Earth; some are used to perform experiments or collect data without transfer to Earth


What is the key benefit of communication satellites?

1.Mapping ocean currents

2. Monitoring volcanic activity

3. Enhancing internet connectivity in remote areas

What is Enhancing internet connectivity in remove areas?


Did you know Amazon is going to invest in a satellite project called Project Kuiper? 

How much do you think is Amazon estimated to invest in this project?

1. $10 Billion

2. $10 Million

What is $10 Billion?


Who was jealous of The Soviet Union after they launched the first satellite?

1. Canada

2. United States of America

3. China

Who is United States of America?


What satellites are used for detecting missile launches, nuclear detontions, and space launches?

1. Polar Satellites

2. Drone Satellites

3. Military Satellites

What is Military Satellites?


Asteroids are an example of a satellite

What is False?

Although asteroids orbit the sun like satellites, asteroids are small and rocky objects that are remaining pieces from the formation of the solar system


What type of orbit do most communications satellites use?

1. Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

2.Polar Orbit

3. Geostationary Orbit (GEO)

What is GEO?

These satellites use GEO, which is a high-altitude orbit that keeps the satellite in a still position.


What is the total estimated value of the global satellite market ( includes services, manufacturing and infastructure) by 2030?

1. $100 Billion

2. $1 Trillion

3. $500 Billion

What is $500 Billion?