Introduction to Psychology
Psychological Research
Sensation and Perception
Wild Card

Name the three Behaviorist Psychologists

Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, and B.F Skinner


Why are surveys tricky to use for psychology research?

Surveys are tricky to use in psychology research because they rely on self-reporting, which can be biased or influenced by social desirability or inaccurate recall.


Where does the neuron receive messages from other neurons?



The Absolute Threshold of sensation is the _______ ________ __ ________ needed to register a particular stimulus 50% of the time

minimum amount of change


Who is the “Father of Behaviorism”

John Watson


 What are the two things scientists must ensure their hypotheses are before testing through observation and data collection?

Measurable and falsifiable


What is “Hindsight Bias”?

The tendency of people to overestimate their ability to predict an outcome after the outcome is known. (I knew you were a Capricorn!)


Whats the difference between Nature vs Nuture?

Nature refers to genetics and biological factors, while nurture involves environment and experiences shaping behavior and traits.


What are the 3 Factors affecting perception?

 Motivation, Beliefs/values, and Life/Cultural experience


 Freud believed that phobias result from unconscious conflicts, but Watson's Little Albert experiment used classical conditioning to demonstrate that phobias are actually the result of _______.

Learned Association


Rogers believed that providing genuineness, empathy, and ________ ______ _____in the therapeutic environment for his clients was critical to their being able to deal with their problems

Unconditional positive regard


What is an experiment?

a research method in which one or more variables are manipulated to observe the effect on another variable while controlling for other variables.


  • What is “G” and what is the purpose of it?

Glial cells: support neurons, provide nutrients, remove waste, and assist in signal transmission.


True/False: Red corresponds to longer wavelengths, yellow to intermediate, and green to shorter wavelengths.

if false, what is the correct statement?

False: Red corresponds to longer wavelengths, Green to intermediate, and Blue/violet to shorter wavelengths.


According to the law of ________, we are more likely to perceive smoothly flowing lines rather than choppy or jagged lines.

Good continuation


 A researcher studying the factors that make an employee best suited for a specific job would most likely identify as what type of psychologist?

I-O (Industrial-Organizational) psychologist


Guess the Research Approach: On one single day, researchers collect data from three different groups of LSU students: freshmen, juniors, and seniors. They want to compare the levels of academic motivation across different year groups at the same point in time.

Cross-sectional Research


What are the two divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System, and what are their functions?

  • Sympathetic: Fight or Flight 

  • Parasympathetic: Rest or Digest 


The ________ is a small indentation of the retina that contains cones. Explain the purpose of cones

Fovea: Cones are photoreceptor cells in the retina that enable color vision and function best in bright light


Imagine you are driving at night and see a partially obscured, blurry red shape with white letters. Even though the details are unclear, you recognize it as a stop sign because of your knowledge and experience with road signs. This is an example of which type of processing?

 top-down processing


Which theorist would most likely agree with the statement: "Perceptual phenomena are best understood as a combination of their components"?

Willam James --> Functionalism


What is the problem with naturalistic observation? (2 terms)

  • Observer effect: the tendency of people or animals to behave differently from normal when they know they are being observed.

  • Observer bias: the tendency of observers to see what they expect or want to see.


Guess the brain scan: A patient wears a cap with electrodes to record brain wave patterns while engaged in problem-solving tasks to analyze cognitive processes or detect abnormalities.



These photoreceptor cells are responsible for night vision and detecting movement in the periphery of the visual field, functioning well in dim light.



When neurotransmitters from nearby neurons attach to receptors on dendrites, they cause changes in membrane potential. If the charge reaches the threshold of excitation, an action potential occurs. Describe the process and the principle that dictates whether an action potential will occur.

What is the all-or-none principle? An action potential happens if the membrane potential reaches the threshold of excitation, or it does not occur if the threshold is not reached.