Moral Dilemma
Fun at a Cost

You are taking a quiz in school and struggling but you have a good view of your friend's quiz answers. What would you do?

ask the teacher for help on the questions;

follow through with taking the quiz and remember to prepare better next time


You walk into the cafeteria and see the new kid eating alone. There is only one seat open at the table you sit at with your friends. What would you do?

bring up another chair for the lonely kid;

tell your friends that you'll see them later but want to sit with the lonely kid


One afternoon after school some kids want to go check out an old, abandoned house. You know it is falling apart and sometimes older kids who do dangerous things hang around there. You do not really want to go, but you do not want to feel left out. What would you do?

suggest another activity and invite the others;

get more information before making this decision 


You are in the cafeteria at lunchtime and extremely hungry since you arrived too late to eat breakfast. You know you do not have any extra money in your account for more food. You notice the cafeteria worker is busy helping one of your classmates. You really want to just take some extra food and put it in your pocket. What would you do?

ask a friend for food and repay them;

ask the cafeteria worker if there is extra food for this one time;

ask another adult for help


You arrive early one morning at school to see someone getting bullied by a few other student. She is upset but does not say anything. What would you do?

invite her to hang out with you;

tell the other students to leave her alone;

find an adult who can step in


You promised your elderly neighbor you would help her clean out the garage on Saturday, but you got invited to go to a theme park with some kids from school. What would you do?

reschedule with your neighbor and go;

begin the project before hand and complete it in stages;

skip out on the theme park and go another time


You forgot your math homework AGAIN. Your teacher told you the next time this happened, he was calling home. You walk over to the homework basket, pretending to turn in your paper and notice the paper on top does not have a name on it. You could just write your name on that one, so you do not get in trouble. What would you do?

manage the consequences later;

tell your parent of the issue when you get home;

set reminders for next time to remember


You were invited to a birthday party; most of the kids in your class were invited, but your best friend was left out, on purpose. You are not sure why your best friend was left out, but you know she will be devastated. You really want to go to the party. What would you do?

be honest and tell your friend that you're going and it's not personal;

spend time with the friend instead;


You have a huge incomplete science project due Monday, and you have a ton of work to do on it. Your friend calls and invites you to go camping with his family for the weekend. What would you do?

tell your friend that you can't go and learn from this experience for next time