"Inner Strength"
"A Global Warning: Global Warming
"Mother Nature"
"True to Himself"
"If these airplanes could talk"

Question 14 Part A

Which statement accurately describes how Marjorie solved her inner conflict in the passage?

C- She relied on herself


What does erratic mean?

To act crazy or wild


Question 1 Part A

Which is the theme of the poem?

B- Nature provides a source of comfort


Question 20 

In paragraph 3, what does the word ventured tell the reader about Duncan?

C- he is trying to see if Roger believes him
Question 5

What does the word fashioning mean in paragraph 1?

B- Creating


Question 15 Part B

Select two quotations from the passage that support the answer to Part A

E- "Okay Majorie,' she said to herself, 'You can do this."' (paragraph 13)

F- "She remembered him saying he listened to the sounds and looked for signs of the direction he had come from. She could do that." (paragrah 14)


Question 1 Part A

Based on Paragraph 4, what is the most concerning effect of global warming?

D- The amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased industrialization


Question 2 Part B

Which set of lines from the poem supports the theme selected in part A?

D- "With infinite affection 

And infiniter care," (lines 21-22)


Question 21 

In paragraph 12, what is meant by the phrase "wayward in the extreme"?

B- With no control over his actions 


Question 6 Part A

How did Leonardo da Vinci influence modern-day flight?

A- by inspiring the creation of future devices


Question 16 Part A

Which choice accurately characterizes Majorie?

C- easily scared


Question 2 Part B

Which statement from paragraph 4 best supports the answer to Part A?

B- "Since the industrial revolution, though, humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide that makes it into the atmosphere by more than a third."


Question 5 

How do these lines affect the meaning of the poem?

C- They suggest that all of nature exists in harmony


Question 22 

In paragraph 30, what does the phrases "we could not have fallen into better hands" tell the reader?

D- Roger feels lucky that they were taken in by the Widow Canby


Question 7 Part B

Which quotation from paragraph 5 provides evidence of the answer from Part A?

C- "Although he never built the device, his design provided the basis for the modern-day helicopter."


Question 17 Part B

Select one quotation from the passage that supports the answer to Part A.

B- "She jumped at the sound of a creak in the house or at a shadow in the room." (Paragraph 6)


Question 3 Part A

What is the central idea of paragraph 3?

B-The planet is warmer due to the increase in heat-trapping gases which have enhanced the greenhouse effect


Question 6

How does the description of the setting in lines 13-16 contribute to the meaning of the poem?

B- The reference to an encouraging voice suggests acceptance and togetherness


"A Fable"

Question 10 Part A

Which sentence states the theme of the text?

B- Our interpretation of art depends on the attitudes and perspectives we bring to our interaction with art


Question 8 Part A 

In the passage, how does the author develop the central idea that the appearances of military and civilian aircrafts are similar?

C- by illustrating how both types are easily recognizable 


Who built the world's first hot air balloon?

Montgolfier Brothers


Question 4 Part B

Which statement from paragraph 3 best supports the answer to Part A?

A- "The warming that occurs due to there being certain heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect."


Question 7

What can be inferred about the children referenced in lines 2 and 17?

A- they represent all living creatures


"A Fable"

Question 11 Part B

Which two quotations from the passage show evidence of the answer in Part A?

E- "That excited them almost to a frenzy, and they said they would give the world to see it." (Paragraph 22) 

F-"The moral, by the cat: You can find in a text whatever you bring, if you stand between it and the mirror of you imagination."


Question 9 Part B

Which quotation from paragraphs 8-9 supports the answer from Part A?

C- "Many military planes also have identification numbers similar to civilian aircraft." (Paragraph 9)