Electrical Safety
Database Basics
Joint Commission

This is maximum resistance of a medical grade power cord ground conductor when testing for electrical safety

What is 50 Ohms?


We should create this type of work order on all service calls, every time we are asked to troubleshoot an issue, even when no problem is identified.

What is a repair work order, day call or night call work order


The acronym MEMP stands for this.

What is Medical Equipment Management Plan

The Acronym RACE stand for this

What is Rescue, Alarm, Close, Evacuate


This is Dave's dog's name.

What is Chase.
This is the maximum leakage current allowed when conducting electrical safety on medical devices.

What is 300 microamps.


What is HTM goal for the max number of open non-PM work orders >30 days old per technician?

5 work orders


This procedure is followed for every Preventative Maintenance.

What is Manufacturer's Recommendations (unless updated with an internal AEM)


How often the Joint Commission comes to survey a hospital accreditation 

What is every 3 years?


This is the departments favorite restaurant 

What is Bea's restaurant.

La Lechoneras!


This accessory device needs prior approval from Engineering or HTM, and can only be used when permanently affixed to a medical device.

What are Relocatable Power Taps (RPTs), power strips or extension cords?

Hospital standard for medical grade is a Leviton 4-outlet 7 foot RPT.  Other options are available by exception (6 outlet/15 foot cord).


On this day all PM documentation should be buttoned up, as compliance is pulled first thing the following morning.

What is the last day of the month

Research devices that do not require a scheduled PM per the manufacturer are placed on this schedule in the database 

What is annual.


Medical Devices falls into this category within the Joint Commission standards

What is Environment of Care


This is the name of the town where our summer party is held

What is Norwell


Each Relocatable Power Tap (RPT, a.k.a. Power Strip) has a maximum rated amperage.  For devices connected to the RPT, this is the total percent allowed.  

What is 75%?


PM work orders are generated on the 1st of the month. What are the 2 situations when we manually open a PM work order and complete a PM on a device?

When you do a PM early; or after a major repair


This classification is defined by the estimated probability and severity of a medical device failure

What is Risk Score/Classification?


The Joint Commission requires this percent for the completion rate for activities and associated frequencies for maintaining, inspecting, and testing medical equipment.

What is 100%


This is a name of a team member that wrestled alligators

Who is Sheldon?


This is the name of the industry recommended standard that we follow for electrical safety testing requirements 

What is NFPA-99 2012?


Devices that are unable to locate for PM, after searching and not able to find a device month after month when are we able to stop actively searching?

One year of active looking, before the device becomes Missing

But also, always keep an eye out for overdue stickers/devices


These 4 types medical equipment cannot be included in the AEM program and must be maintained per manufacturer's recommendations.

Lasers; Imaging and Radiological Equipment;

New Medical Equipment with insufficient historical service data; 

Equipment required by state or federal law


This program allows hospitals to evaluate the associated risks of a given medical device, and subsequently change a devices' maintenance requirements.

What is AEM (Alternative Equipment Maintenance)


This HTMer has the most kids

Who is Mike Craine