Who is responsible for their recovery.
Popular street names: Pot, reefer, loud, pressure, weed, grass, etc.
Marijuana...Politically correct term now is THC
What is an addiction?
The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or activity.
Medication, behavioral therapy, groups, rehab, inpatient/outpatient, recreational, occupation, medical, voc. rehab, music
What are treatment options
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference
What is the Serenity Prayer
Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, therapy, calling a sober friend, and thinking of consequences are all examples of:
This legal substance has been used and abused for thousands of years.
A person cant become addicted to drugs or alcohol if they only try it one time
A form of treatment wear the patient lives in a recovery facility
Inpatient treatment
An experienced member who guides newcomers through recovery
What is a sponsor
People, places or things that cause people to have thoughts of associated with substance abuse. Can be internal or external:
What are triggers.
The most commonly abused drug across the nation
What is Marijuana
An intense desire to use
What is a craving
A point in the treatment process where the user rids themselves of the drugs left in their body
This meeting serve individual who are in recovery from narcotics
What is NA
1. Medical doctors 2. Nurses 3. Psychologists 4. Educators 5. Social workers 6. Occupations Therapists 7. Recreational Therapist 8. Music Therapist 9. Clergy 10. You 11. Counselors
What is treatment team
Popular street name Candy Booger Sugar, White girl, powder, blow, snow, soft, and powder
When a person returns back to their old habits/addictive behaviors.
This skills-based form of treatment used in substance use and mental health recovery focuses on identifying and changing thinking patterns to help change feelings and negative behaviors (hint: also know as CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Live and let live, keep it simple, one day at a time, let go and let God are examples of what?
What are 12 step slogans.
People that can help you along a recovery journey can consist of family, friends, sponsors, peer coaches, therapist, doctors, religious groups, and recovery treatment group peers
What is a support network
Popular street names: crystal, glass, christina, tina, cris, cristy, annie
Whatever the substance is, once addiction to that substance occurs for long enough this important organ drastically changes the way it functions
For the best chance of staying sober, what is the minimum length of time a person should stay in treatment?
To keep what you have, You have to _____ it away.
What is give