The original owner was Lando, and later Han became owner.
Millennial Falcon
These were the backbone of the imperial army and consisted in the tens of trillions.
Imperial Trooper
The personal starship of Darth Maul and had cloaking abilities.
Sith Infiltrator
These troopers had blue marking and operated on the most hostile planets and are considered one of the most elite.
Stormtrooper Commanders
Boba Fett flew this ship.
Slave I
These troopers were cybernetically enhanced and were 6'5" and up, and wore advanced black armor.
Death Troopers
This ship had the death star Lazer built into it and was able to one shot capitol ships.
The Eclipse
These troopers tended to be more hostile towards aliens. These troopers were very skills and could fight Jedi.
Evo trooper
The TIE variant with shielding, was piloted by the elite storm commandos.
The TIE Hunter
This trooper type was made with clone troopers and had surgical procedures to replace their human limbs with robotic limbs to make them stronger. They became mentally unwell.
Dark Trooper Phase 0