The Southern Colonies
The New England Colonies
The Middle Colonies
Life in the Colonies
Important Dates

These immigrants signed a contract to work in exchange for paid travel to America. 

Who were indentured servants?


A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. 

Who is an immigrant? 


What were crops that were always needed such as wheat, barley, and oats? 

What are staple crops? 


A system in which goods and slaves were traded among the Americas, Britain, and Africa.

What was triangular trade? 


This important document was signed by Pilgrims as a legal contract to have fair laws to protect the general good of all. It was the first attempt at self-government in the English colonies. 

What is the Mayflower Compact?  


These laws were used to control slaves in the Southern colonies. 

What were slave codes? 


This leader disagreed with the Puritan leaders of Massachusetts and believed in separation of church and state. 

Who was Roger Williams


Which Quaker was granted by King Charles II to establish the colony of Pennsylvania, meaning "City of Brotherly Love"? 

Who was William Penn? 


A meeting or assembly in which colonists made laws, and decided on issues of local interest, such as paying for schools. 

What is a town meeting? 


In 1681, William Penn established this colony. 

What is Pennsylvania? 


This colonist took control of the Jamestown colony and built a fort in 1608. 

Who was John Smith? 

Which of the following was not an important part of the New England economy? 

(a) shipbuilding 

(b) fishing 

(c) slave trade 

What is slave trade? 


Which religious group supported religious tolerance for all people? 

Who were Quakers? 


A leader of the Great Awakening who urged sinners to seek forgiveness. 

Who was Jonathan Edwards? 


In 1733, the last of the original 13 colonies was founded. This colony was: 

What is Georgia


These individuals were forced to journey to the Americas via ship to work for without pay indefinitely. 

Who were enslaved people


The first college founded in the colonies. 

What was Harvard College?  


Which colony was originally a Dutch territory before being captured by the English? 

What was New York? 


A philosopher who believed that people had natural rights such as quality and liberty.

Who was John Locke? 

In 1754, a war broke out between which two groups giving England more land in North America. 

What was the French and Indian War? 


Which of the following colonies was Southern?
(1) New York
(2) Delaware
(3) Maryland
(4) Pennsylvania

What is Maryland


Which two groups left Europe for the Americas to avoid religious persecution?  

Who were the Pilgrims and the Puritans? 


What was the original name of New York? 

What was New Netherland? 
The passage of which English law encouraged the colonists to more highly value their own right to elect representative to decide local issues.

What was the English Bill of Rights? 


To avoid continued conflict between Native Americans and the British, King George III signed this law in 1763 banning British settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. 

What was the Proclamation of 1763