Program Requirements
ACGME Glossary

Faculty Development Includes

1) As Educators and Evaluators; 2) In Quality Improvement, Eliminating Health Inequities, and Patient Safety; 3) Well Being; 4) Patient Care based on Practice Based Learning


What is an NST

Non-Standard Training program for foreign national physicians in advanced specialty programs for which there is no ACGME accreditation 


Resident beginning in the PGY1 and provides the required education and training to be eligible for specialty board certification

Categorical Resident


With what can a program coordinator assist in NRMP?

1) May review all program data through R3 and enter or change data with exception to quota and SOAP participation status; 2) May enter rank order lists and SOAP preferences; 3) CANNOT certify the rank or SOAP preferences


IMGs are International Medical Graduates who received basic medical training anywhere but...

The US or Canada

Monitoring resident learning and providing ongoing feedback that can be used by residents to improve their learning

Formative Evaluations


Initial competence assessment of each NST trainee must take place how long from start date?

no later than 3 months


One year educational experience in a GME which is structured to provide a program of multiple clinical disciplines designed to facilitate the choice of and/or preparation for a specialty. A prerequisite; does not comprise a complete program.

Transitional Year Program


Programs will be in violation of the binding agreement if they terminate a resident within how many days from the start date of appointment?

45 Days


Requirements for the ECFMG certification exam are

passing Step 1 and Step 2, ECFMG pathway or Occupational English Test; OR passing performance on the former Step 2 Clinical skills 


Professionalism, Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, and Systems-Based Practice

ACGME Competencies


How do you evaluate an NST trainee?

ACGME Milestones from the most closely related ACGME accredited specialty or subspecialty


Maximun number of residents or fellow approved by a RC per year and/or per program based upon resources



Who can release programs and applicants from a binding agreement and with what?

Only the NRMP using a waiver or deferral


ECFMG Medical Schools must be listed in what with an ECFMG note stating the school meets eligibility requirements

World Directory


Mandatory time free of clinical work and education for residents

eight hours off 


Who reviews and approves NSTs and how frequently must the NST be assessed?

the GMEC; at least annually


Three or more members of the active teaching faculty, including at least one core faculty member to review progress of all trainees in the program

Clinical Competency Committee (CCC)


Communication for the program during SOAP includes verbal, written or electronic communication with SOAP eligible applicants or their reps when? Applicants can initiate contact with a program when?

Only after a program has received that individual's application. Applicants CANNOT initiate contact with a program until and unless a program contacts the applicant.


What is the USMLE

United States Medical Licensing Examination


Length of time Program Director can lead the program

no determinate length- time adequate to maintain the continuity of leadership and program stability


The NST Program Director must be what?

From among the physician faculty of the most closely related ACGME accredited program


Practice of on-going self-reflection on how one's own background and the background of others impact teaching, learning, research, creative activity, engagement, and leadership

Cultural Humility


Donating unfilled positions in one program to another in the event the program does not fill during the match progess is called

Program Reversion


Includes actions or attempted actions on the part of applicants, examinees, potential applicants, others when solicited by an applicant and/or examinee, a medical school official, or any other person or entity that would or could subvert the exam, certification, etc.

Irregular Behavior