Bible Trivia!
The Saints

The person who instituted the sacraments

Who is Jesus?


The last book in the Bible is

What is the Book of Revelation?


This person is considered the first Pope of the Catholic Church

Who is Peter?


There are this many readings normally on Sundays and Solemnities

What is 3?


The patron saint of lost items

Who is St. Anthony of Padua?


The Sacraments of Christian Initiation

What is Baptism, Confirmation, & Eucharist


There are this many books in the Old Testament

What is 46?


There are this many stations in the Stations of the Cross

What is 14 stations?


The Catholic Mass is divided into two parts. They are called

What is the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist?


The patron saint of travelers

Who is St. Christopher?


Every sacrament has a matter, a form, and a minister. The form of baptism is

*Hint: Form means the words spoken*

What is "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"?


The longest of the four Gospels

What is the Gospel of Luke


The first apostles called to follow Jesus

Who is Simon Peter and Andrew?


The difference between a homily and a sermon

What is homily comes is inspired from the liturgy and a sermon is more of a speech about a religious topic?

(sorry had to word this one weirdly lol)


The first American-born saint

Who is Elizabeth Ann Seton?


The Sacraments of Service

What is Matrimony & Holy Orders?


There are 7 books in the Catholic Bible that are not in Protestant Bibles called the Deuterocanonicals. Name 3 of the 7 books.

What is 1 and 2 Maccabees, Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, Tobit, and Judith?


The 6 seasons of the liturgical year

What is Advent, Christmas, Lent, Sacred Pashcal Triduum, Easter, and Ordinary Time


The name of the prayer said at the beginning of Mass in which the faithful recall their sins and place their trust in God's abiding mercy

What is The Act of Penitence?


There are 3 stages the Church goes through to officially mark someone as a Saint. Those stages are

What is Examining the Life of a Candidate for Sainthood, Beatification, and Canonization?


The sacrament of Holy Orders was instituted when

What is the Ascension of Jesus?


The order of the first three kings of Israel

Who is Saul, David, Solomon?


The six holy days of obligation outside of Sundays for 2024

What is the Solemnity of Mary, the Ascension of Jesus, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Solemnity of All Saints, Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Christmas?


Following our response of “Amen” to the final blessing, Mass is concluded with the dismissal, said by the priest (or a deacon, if one is present). What are 2 of the four dismissal formulas? 

***Hint: Our response is "Thanks be to God"***

What is 

• Go forth, the Mass is ended.
• Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.
• Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
• Go in peace.


The term Venerable refers to someone who...

What is a candidate for sainthood whose cause has not yet reached the beatification stage but whose heroic virtue has been declared by the pope?