Peace Day Facts
Historical and International Affairs
Nobel Peace Prize
Definitions and symbols
Promotion of Peace

The year that the International peace day started

What is 1981


What is the English name of the MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières)?

Doctors Without Borders


What day is the Nobel Peace Prize awarded?

The 10th of December


What is a common symbol of peace?

The White Dove/Olive Branch


This SDG goal promotes peace and inclusive societies

What is SDG goal 16


The organization that established International Peace Day

What are the United Nations


This natural disaster recently affected Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar?

What is a Typhoon


Why was the Nobel Peace Prize founded?

Founding the Nobel Peace Prize was Alfred Nobel's way to compensate for developing destructive forces


This international organization uses the olive branch and globe as it's symbol

What are the United Nations

This was an act of peace at the start of the First World War where soldiers on both sides went against the orders of their generals to celebrate Christmas together

What is the Christmas truce of 1914


This is the theme for the 2024 International Peace Day

Cultivating a Culture of Peace


Which of these is the term used to describe the Israeli communities in the West Bank, which is under Palestinian authority?

A. Influx

B. Settlement

C. Diaspora

D. Lockdown

B, Settlement


This is the only organization to have won the Nobel Peace Prize 3 times

What is the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)


What does "Positive Peace" refer to?

The presence of justice, equality and harmony


This was the year that the Geneva Convention was first signed into existence

What is 1864


Which important document related to peace is often referenced to on International Peace Day?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


This country has been going through a civil war for 13 years

What is Syria


Name one of the individuals that won the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901

Frédéric Passy/Jean Henry Dunant


What does "Negative Peace" refer to?

The absence of war or violence


Which of these famous leaders are known for advocating nonviolent resistance as a mean to achieve peace

A. Aung san suu kyi

B. John F. Kennedy

C. Martin Luther King Jr.

D. Soong Ching-Ling

C, Martin Luther King Jr.


What is the main purpose of International Peace Day?

To encourage global disarmament and peaceful coexistence


Which of these is a historic event that is often cited as a significant step towards achieving global peace?

A. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles

B. The establishment of the League of Nations

C. The end of World War II

D. The signing of the Locarno Treaties

B, The establishment of the League of Nations


Which of the following is a requirement to winning the Nobel Peace Prize?

A. Must contribute heavily to fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congress 

B. Must have received international recognition or awards from at least 3 different countries 

C. Must demonstrate substantial financial contributions to peace initiatives or humanitarian efforts 

D. Must be an individual who holds no political stance and has provided aid to those in need, while also discouraging conflicts in local regions 

A, Must contribute heavily to fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congress


What is the name of the Ancient Greek goddess of peace, who shares a name with a patron saint of peace in Christianity?



What role do grassroots movements play in promoting peace?

They mobilize communities to advocate for change