Eucharist means?


What is the name of the original Liturgy of the Church, which began in Jerusalem? 

The Liturgy of the Word 

The Liturgy of the Eucharist 


Name two main parts of the Bible and how are the two parts different? 

1). Old Testament - Stories and lessons point to Jesus's birth, death and resurrection. 

2). New Testament - Focuses on the life of Jesus on earth and the life of the Church after Jesus's death and resurrection. 


What is fasting? 

The practice of complete avoidance of particular food/activities for a particular period of time. 

Fasting prepares us to become more like Christ through prayer, sacrifices and disciplining ourselves the way He did. 


Why do we celebrate Holy Qurbana in the Holy Altar Room?

The altar and Holy Qurbana are the replica of heaven, and our worship is a way to give ourselves fully to God. 


How does the Holy Spirit work in the Holy Church? 

The priesthood of Jesus Christ in the Achen, calls down the Holy Spirit in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit transforms the bread and wine to Jesus's Body and Blood in a mysterious way that our eyes can't see. 

How are the old and new testaments used in the Holy Qurbana? 

Old Testament - right at the end of Morning Prayer

New Testament - During the Liturgy of the Word, an altar boy reads the New Testament from the North and South sides of the alter. 

Then after that, the priest reads from one of the Gospels. 


Name one of the 5 canonical fast. 

1). Nativity Fast 

2). Nineveh Fast 

3). The Great Fast (Great Lent)

4). Holy Apostles Fast 

5). Dormition Fast 


Name one of the five essential elements of Orthodox Christian Worship. 

Praise, Thanksigiving, Repentance, Supplication and Dedication 


How did we receive the same Holy Qurbana from Jerusalem, the mother Church?

The first Christians in Jerusalem used Syriac, a dialect of Jesus's own language, to spread the Gospel, the Holy Qurbana and all the Holy Traditions. 

We received these Syriac liturgical traditions in India, as they connect us all the way back to the mother church in Jerusalem. 


What are some goals you can set to learn more about God? 

1). Read the Bible every day. 

2). Know the books of the Orthodox Study Bible. 


What are some of the different kinds of fasting? 

1). Fasting before Holy Communion 

2). Wednesday prayers and fasting 

3). Friday prayers and fasting 

4). The liturgical calendar 


Name the prayer we say every time we enter church. 

"In reverence will I enter your house and offer my vows to you."


Name a few of our Orthodox Liturgical traditions. 

1). Sh'himo - prayers for every day. 

2). Church follows a liturgical calendar that teaches us about the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

3). Divine Liturgy - Sunday Qurbana is a tradition that also remembers the whole life of Christ. 


Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are from the New Testament - True or False? 



Name the difference between fasts and feast. 

Fasts - We prepare ourselves to be like Jesus Christ. We fast before a feast. 

Feast - We celebrate the life of Jesus Christ and what he has done for us. We wait for a feast day by fasting.