Halsey People to Know
Staying Safe at Halsey
Halsey Basics
Healthy Habits

She is your dean. Her office is in room 210. 

Who is Ms. Broker?


When there is an emergency and everyone must get out of the building quickly and quietly. 

What is an evacuation?


This is the time that school starts. 

What is 8am?


This happens period 4&5 for 6th graders.

What is lunch and recess?


This is the minimum amount of sleep that a 6th grader should get every night. 

What is 9 hours?


He is your guidance Counselor. His office is in room 325. 

Who is Mr. Robinson?


Sometimes there is an emergency outside the building, and it's safer for us to be in the building. This is the name of the response protocol for that situation. 

What is a "shelter in"?


You need this from your teacher in order to go to the bathroom, see the dean, the guidance counselor, the nurse, the APs, or any other office. 

What is a pass?


This is who you go to when you are having any problem with technology or any school provided devices. 

Who is Mr. Blanco?


Students should avoid too much of this in their snacks to avoid health issues and to help their brain develop. 

What is sugar?


6th grade is so great, they get two Assistant Principals. These two people are the Assistant Principals for grade 6. 

Who is Mrs. Schiano and Ms. Albanese?


When there is a situation inside the building and we need all students and adults to stay where they are for a little. When this response protocol is used, there is no serious threat inside or outside the building. 

What is a "hold"?


This must be locked when you entered the building and will get unlocked when you leave. 

What is a yondr pouch?


This is the time you are dismissed from school.

What is 2:15pm?


You should have at least 8 cups of this everyday. 

What is water?


He is your lunch room teacher. He supervises the cafeteria and school yard and keeps everything organized at lunch time. 

Who is Mr. Angelastro?


This is the response protocol used when we need to practice for a serious situation inside the building. During this response protocol, students and teachers will practice what to do when there is a serious situation. There will be some adults who are in the hallways making sure we are following the protocol correctly. 

What is a  "soft lockdown"?


If you want either of these two things, you must get them before you go outside for recess.

What are school lunch and snack line snacks?


You go to this place to start your day and end your day.

What is homeroom?


This is the amount of time a 6th grader should get exercise each day to stay healthy. 

What is 60 minutes?

The man, the myth, the legend: he's Halsey's principal.

Who is Mr. Suraci?


This is the response protocol when there is a serious situation inside the building. All students need to listen carefully to the adult in charge and be ready to follow all instructions. You need to react quickly, and stay out of the line of sight. 

What is a "hard lockdown"?


You need to get this when you get to school after 8:10am.

What is a late pass?


These are the talents available at Halsey. 

What is band, chorus, dance, theater arts, computer science, and STEM? 


When you are sick, it is important to do these two things. 

What is washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze?