Roles in Speech Production
Respiratory Cycle

What are the Speech Subsystems?





Hoit, J. D., Weismer, G., & Story, B. (2022).


What are the Muscles of Respiration?

Diaphragm: Large muscle that attaches to bottom six ribs on either side of the ribcage.

External intercostals: 11 pairs that run  between ribs.Each pair originates on the lower surface of the rib, and the fibers course downward and forward at an oblique angle, inserting below, elevating portions of, or the entire, rib cage.

Internal intercostals: 11 pairs which are similar in structure to external intercostals. The intercostals lie deep to the external intercostals and run at an opposite angle (downward and backward) to that of the external intercostals.

Ferrand, Carole T. The Speech and Hearing Anatomy Course Companion Workbook. Plural Publishing, 2019.


How do the vocal folds contribute to sound production during speech?


Ferrand, Carole T. Speech Science: An Integrated Approach to Theory and Clinical Practice. 3rd ed., Pearson, 2018.


What does a cycle of respiration includes:

an inhalation and an exhalation phase.

Ferrand, Carole T. The Speech and Hearing Anatomy Course Companion Workbook. Plural Publishing, 2019.


How does the nervous system regulate the coordination of breathing and speech?

regulating the respiratory muscles and controlling airflow through the vocal folds. .

Ferrand, Carole T. Speech Science: An Integrated Approach to Theory and Clinical Practice. 3rd ed., Pearson, 2018.


During exhalation:

Alveolar pressure is positive .

Ferrand, Carole T. The Speech and Hearing Anatomy Course Companion Workbook. Plural Publishing, 2019.


What is the role of the diaphragm in speech production?

regulating airflow from the lungs.

Ferrand, Carole T. Speech Science: An Integrated Approach to Theory and Clinical Practice. 3rd ed., Pearson, 2018.


What is the force that causes air to flow into the lungs during inspiration and out of the lungs during expiration?

Changes in the lung pressures.

Ferrand, Carole T. The Speech and Hearing Anatomy Course Companion Workbook. Plural Publishing, 2019.


Name 5 functions of the Respiratory System?

1.Inhalation and Exhalation Are Pulmonary Ventilation—That’s Breathing

2.External Respiration Exchanges Gases Between the Lungs and the Bloodstream

3.Internal Respiration Exchanges Gases Between the Bloodstream and Body Tissues

4.Air Vibrating the Vocal Cords Creates Sound

5.Olfaction, or Smelling, Is a Chemical Sensation