Social Anxiety
Seperation anxiety

environmental and social factors of PTSD

strong predictors of people's reaction to trauma include severity and duration and the person's proximity to the event. also availability to social support


Case study of social anxiety disorder (SOAD)

felt uncomfortable around others, rarely went anywhere, limited interactions with others, and didn't like presenting infront of peers


biological factors of seperation anxiety disorder (SAD)

children with SAD tend to have family histories of anxiety and depressive disorders
also evidence of a genetic component


specific phobias

include animal-type (commonly spiders/ snakes), natural environment type (heights/storms), situational type (claustrophobia), blood-injection-injury type (needles or fainting when blood)


obsessions and compulsions

OB- thoughts, images, ideas, or urges that are persistent, repetitive, intrusive, unwanted, and the usually cause significant anxiety or distress
CM- repetitive behaviors that an individual feels that they must perform in an effort to reduce anxiety and distress


psychological factors of PTSD

people who're already experiencing symptoms of anxiety/ depression before a trauma occurs are more likely to develop PTSD after the trauma. also a person's coping mechanisms play a role


cognitive and psychological theories of SOAD

cognitive factors dominate psychological ones- people with SOAD have excessively high standards for their social performance, focus on negative aspects of social interactions, and evaluate their own behavior harshly


psychological and sociocultural factors of SAD

parents of children with SAD tend to be more controlling and intrusive behaviorally and emotionally, also more critical and negative in their communications with their children



a generalized fear of situations in which the person might not be able to escape or get help if needed


other theories related to OCD

hoarding, trichotillomania [hair-pulling disorder], excoriation [skin-picking disorder], body dysmorphic disorder [BDD])


Gender and cross-cultural differences in PTSD (cultural assets)

African Americans have higher rates of PTSD then other races.
culture influences the manifestation of anxiety
cultural assets- ethnic identity plays a role


treatments for SOD

SSRIs and SNRIs have been effective in reducing symptoms of social anxiety
-CBT is also effective


case study of SAD

SAD can develop after a traumatic event


negative reinforcement & prepared classical conditioning in phobias

negative reinforcement - avoiding feared object or situation
prepared classical conditioning - learning associations quickly on what things we should fear


biological theories for OCD & others

it's a multifactorial disorder with strong high genetic predispositions


biological factors in PTSD

biochemical findings (cortisol)- people with PTSD tend to have lower cortisol levels
genetics-vulnerability to PTSD may be inherited


biological theories of SOAD

biological- runs in families and twin studies have suggested it has a genetic basis


treatments for SAD

medication and CBT is used for SAD


biological theories of phobias

first-degree relatives of people with phobias are 3-4 times more likely to have a phobia than ones without phobias


CB theories of OCD & others

what differentiates people with OCD from people without is their inability to turn off their negative, intrusive thoughts


CBT and stress management for PTSD and biological therapies for PTSD

CBT- effective treatment and utilizes systematic desensitization
stress inoculation therapy- where therapists teach clients skills for overcoming problems in their lives that increase their stress and problems that may result from PTSD

SSRIs are more common but benzos are also used to treat symptoms of PTSD


what is social anxiety disorder?

Feelings of worry or uneaziness in corwds and/ or any social interaction 


BONUS: biological treatments for PD

most common treatment is medication including SSRIs (like Prozac), SNRIs (like effexor), benzos, and tricycle anti depressants


applied tension technique in phobias

increases blood pressure and heart rate and can keep people with this type of phobia from fainting when confronted with the feared object


Biological treatments for OCD and CB treatments for OCD

antidepressant drugs affecting serotonin levels helped relieve symptoms

exposure and response prevention therapy repeatedly expose the client to the focus of the obsession and prevents compulsive responses to the resulting anxiety