What is high keyed and what is low keyed value?
If you have a value scale from 1-10 with 1 being white and 9 being dark, high keyed are the lighter values 5-1, whereas low keyed values are 5-10
What's the difference between cross-hatching contour drawing?
Cross hatching overlays 2 sets of lines to create value changes, it's primarily used to shade, whereas contour is generally considered an outline that separates the form from it's surroundings
Name the Elements of art
Line, Color, Shape, Texture, Value
Name and Define at least three types of shapes
Objective- derived from something seen
Abstract- derived from imagination
Biomorphic- rounded, undulating suggesting something living
Geometric- precise, structured, sharply defined
Curvilinear- made of curved lines
Rectilinear- made of straight lines
Plastic space in 2Dimensionality is the illusion of space on a 3D surface, in 3D it is actual 3D space
Value is particularly good at doing what three things in a work of art?
Structure the composition
Convey a feeling of light and mood
Create a sense of three-dimensionality on the page
Name at least 3 qualities of line and define them
Measure- thickness/length of line
Direction- the direction it moves (horizontal, vertical etc.
Character- how the material influences the line's sensibility (i.e. - dry material rough, we material fluid)
Type- curved/straight
Name (at least 4) of the the Principles of Art
Balance, Unity, Variety, Proportion, Movement
What it the format and why is it so important?
It's the bounding edges of the artwork's frame and it sets the stage for the subsequent relationships within the composition.
Define atmostpheric perspective
Describe at least two types of lighting and explain how they impact our experience of a form.
Side Lighting- Enhances three-dimensionality
Frontal Lighting- Flattens
Back Lighting- Scary
Do lines exist in 'nature' or reality? Explain your answer.
No. Lines are a two-dimensional abstraction. What we see as lines are actually planes. Even lines on a page, when looked at through a microscope, have a physical thickness.
Subject- what- this is what's represented in the work, ie.
Form- how- the way the artist has depicted said subject
Content-why- the emotional and/or intellectual meaning of the work
Volume= illusion of some sort of void such as a hole or valley
Name at least three ways you can create a sense of depth using shapes, of these ways what is the MOST effective way to create depth using shapes.
size change, tilt, gradient/color, overlap
overlap is the most effective