Knowing God Through Creation
Divine Revelation
God's Plan of Salvation
Wild Card

Man can know that there is a God by using this...

What is reason?


The Bible, also called this, is the Word of God... 

What is Sacred Scripture?


These pure spirits are invisible servants of God, and some are our guardians...

What are angels?


The events in human history that have been especially connected with the salvation of mankind...

What is Salvation History?


This special gift protects the Pope and the bishops from teaching any error in matters of faith and morals...

What is Infallibility?


This allows reason to believe things God has revealed.

What is faith?


This person is the main author of the Bible...

Who is the Holy Spirit?


Man is a created reasoning being compose of these two things...

What are body and soul?


Abraham, Isaac, Joseph...

Who are the patriarchs?


Man must rely on these two gifts to understand God's plan...

What are reason and faith?


This mystery of the Church is only known through the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man.

What is the Holy Trinity?


This event ended God's public revelation of himself...

What is the New Covenant offered in Jesus Christ? Specifically when his last apostle, St. John, died.


With original sin man lost these gifts...

What are Immortality, Knowledge of God and all that is necessary for life, Harmonious relationship with oneself, among men and nature, and Grace?


This name is important because it became the name of God's chosen people...

What is Israel?


We know it as Palestine of the Holy Land but in the Old Testament it was known as...

What is the Promise Land?


St. Pope John Paull II in Fides et Ratio that these two gifts combined "are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth."

What are reason and faith?


This office safeguards and interprets revelation...

What is the Magisterium?


Intellect and Will are the powers of this gift from God...

What is the human soul?

We know it as Palestine or the Holy Land, which God promised to give to his people when he entered into this with Abraham...

What is a Covenant?


Jesus Christ is also known as this because he was able to reconcile us to God and restore to our souls the life of santifying grace...

What is the Redeemer?


God reveals himself through these 3 ways

What is Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and Jesus


This collection of sacred books prepared God's people for the coming of his Son. While this collection of sacred books records the life and teaching of his Son, the Church's beginnings, and the teachings of the apostles... 

What are the Old and New Testaments?


Only one God, God is the creator of everything that exists, God created the world in an orderly way, God created the world so that he could share his love with us, and God made man in his own image, are examples of teachings from this story...

What is the Creation story?


Abraham is to God as Isaac is to Jesus is an example of this...

What is prefigurement?


Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the best known archangels. According to Saint Thomas Aquinas organized themselves in this way but they don't sing...

What is the Nine Choirs of Angels?