Imperialism and America
The Spanish-American War
Acquiring New Lands
America as a World Power

stronger nations extend their economic,political,or military control over weaker territories is the definition of what?



This sensational style of writing, which exaggerates the news to lure and enrage readers, became known as

Yellow Journalism


This ended military rule in Puerto Rico and set up a civil government there:

Foraker Act


What was the main reason for Roosevelt wanting to build the Panama Canal?

He wanted to decrease travel time from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic and vice versa

What was the stance of the Anti-Imperialist league on imperialism?

They believed that the United States should not be colonizing and interfering in foreign territories.


This person urged the American government to build up their naval power in order to compete with other powerful nations

Alfred T. Mahan


This Commodore commanded a fleet of American ships at Manilla Bay that led to an American victory in the Philippines

George Dewey


What did the reelection of William McKinley prove about many Americans and their beliefs of Imperialsim?

It proved that most Americans were in favor of Imperialism


What did Roosevelt receive for his mediation of the peace talks between Russia and Japan during the Russo-Japanese War?

The Nobel Peace Prize


Why were imperialist nations in China during this era?

Imperialist nations wanted to set up new trading markets in China.


What crop was being grown in Hawaii that many U.S. investors wanted during the mid to late 1800s?

Sugar Cane


What event triggered the start of the Spanish-American War?

The sinking of the USS Maine


Under the Platt Amendment, Cuba became a U.S. protectorate. What is a protectorate?

A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power.


What did the Roosevelt Corollary add to the Monroe Doctrine?

It stated that the U.S. would use force if necessary to protect its interests in Latin America.


What did the Teller Amendment do?

It stated that the U.S. had no intention of annexing Cuba after the Spanish-American War.


Many critics of William Seward's purchase of Alaska from Russia called the purchase _________

"Seward's Folly" or "Seward's Icebox"


The United States annexed which territories through the Treaty of Paris?

Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines


What did John Hay's Open Door Notes state?

That imperialist nations share trading rights with the United States in China. This would lead to a nation not being able to create a monopoly on trade with China.


What did Wilson ask John J. Pershing to do in Mexico?

Capture Francisco "Pancho" Villa dead or alive for killing 17 U.S. citizens.


This rebel leader led a rebellion for independence in the Philippines: 

Emilio Aguinaldo


How did imperialist nations justify their colonization and exploitation for weaker and smaller nations?

Many imperialist nations saw it as their duty to spread their culture and religion across the entire globe.


Who commanded the Rough Riders in Cuba and helped play a role in the victory in that territory?

Teddy Roosevelt


What were the four main terms of the Platt Amendment?

Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory

the United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba,

Cuba was not to go into debt that its government could not repay

the United States could buy or lease land on the island for naval stations and refueling stations.


Why did Wilson have the U.S. pullout of Mexico and work to make peace on the southern border?

He knew that a war in Europe was imminent and he did not want to be fighting two wars at once.


What was the purpose behind the Boxer Rebellion?

The Boxers were against foreign influence in China and they wanted to drive out all imperialist nations.