The 2000's
Video Games
CR Unit

What pop singer is known as “The Material Girl”?

Who is Madonna


This brand was founded by an Australian surfer who wanted soft sheepskin boots

What is Ugg


In Mario Kart, the power-up that seeks out the player in first position and explodes on impact is a shell that is what color?

What is blue


What famous cereal mascot’s first and middle names are “Horatio Magellan,” helms a ship called The Guppy, and sports a Napoleon-style hat?

Who Is Cap'N Crunch


Under what Judge would you calendar a preliminary hearing happening on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday.

What is the EDC Judge


What decade is the hit single “Love Shack” by the B-52s from?

What is the 80's


What was the saying on this popular yellow jelly bracelet?

What is Livestrong


What is thought to be the first video game, created in 1958 and becoming popular in the 1970s?

What is Pong


Alternating layers of ladyfingers soaked in a coffee-liqueur combo with mascarpone cheese and chocolate gets you what uplifting Italian dessert?

What is tiramisu


This is where you would add a hearing after the Final PRC Calendar has been published.

What is the PRC Add On


Justin Timberlake started his career as a member of what band?

Who is *NYSYNC


"The Last One" was the simple name of the final episode of what TV series, which ended its 10th and final season in 2004?

What is Friends


Pocket, Light, Color, and Advance were all styles or variants of what video game hardware system?

What is Game Boy


In 1936, what popular food brand debuted its first Wienermobile, a 13-foot-long vehicle shaped like a giant hot dog on wheels, as a way to promote its products?

What is Oscar Mayer


Who is the CR Presiding Judge?

Who is Judge Fuller


Which upbeat song featured these lyrics: “All right stop, collaborate and listen”?

What is Ice Ice Baby


Everyone was friends with Tom on what groundbreaking website, that went live on August 1, 2003?

What is MySpace


In 2014, Google partnered with Game Freak and Nintendo as part of an April Fool's Day prank to create a new version of Google Maps populated by small creatures. This prank inspired what massively popular 2016 video game?

What is Pokémon Go


The simple Italian salad known as a Caprese salad typically includes tomatoes, basil, and what variety of cheese?

What is mozzerella


A State's Request for Rule 609 Hearing is documented as

What is Motion: Motion Allow Impeachment


What show fostered young talents like Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera before they even became pop stars?

What is The Mickey Mouse Club


This memes popularity started in 2008 where a music video of "Never Gonna Give You Up" would pop up unexpectedly in the middle of a video.

What is Rickrolling


Regarded as one of the greatest video games of all time, what 1981 arcade game features the amphibian trying to cross a road without getting squashed by cars, and a river without getting eaten by predators?

What is Frogger


What ice cream brand and amusement park staple was born in the 1980s when Curt Jones used his knowledge of cryogenic technology to create ice cream "beads?"

What is Dippin' Dots


Which rule would an application for post conviction relief go under if the defendant had a jury trial?

What is Rule 32