Chapter 1 - The Robotization of Everything
Chapter 2 - On Passing as Human and Robot Love
Chapter 3 - Who is Responsible for a Self-Driving Car?

What is "always on" behavior?

It is caused by excessive smartphone use, can lead to distraction in personal and social settings, and is described as the "loss of personal priority." Phone has consumed the soul.


What is robotization?

This term refers to the process of automating tasks that were traditionally done by humans through machines (ex. chatgpt made some of these questions)


What is an example of associating consciousness with non-conscious things?

Zombies, cars, boats, toaster, rockets, hurricanes, my shoes finding the crack in any uneven sidewalk


What is an autonomous vehicle?

This type of machine might one day fully replace human drivers, raising concerns about accountability and ethics. Sounds nice in traffic


What is "text neck"?

This condition, caused by excessive smartphone use, results from the head being tilted down for extended periods, increasing pressure on the spine. I need more screentime.


What could be problematic of robotization in fields that require ethics (doctors, first responders, etc.)?

The moral dilemma of who holds responsibility when a robot makes a life-and-death decision. Do you really want a robot telling you everything's gonna be okay?


Turing test is defined as a test of imitation of human intelligence. What is an example of something that you use every day that would pass this?

Chatgpt, google, youtube, etc.


If an AI autonomous vehicle got in an accident with another AI autonomous vehicle, who is to blame?

No clue! 


What is intellectual gratification? (hint: social media)

This type of gratification, driven by the need to be informed and "in the know," is one of the incentives behind the addiction to smartphones. I blow past my instagram screentime every day (this is a call for help)


What is a balanced approach to robotization? (hint: balanced)

Ensuring technology complements rather than replaces humans. Maybe robots in factories but still doctors in hospitals. 


What is transhumanism?

The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. ex. me my senior year volleyball season


What is an example of technological displacement in history? (hint: early 1900s)

horses to cars, feet to horses, trebuchets to missiles