Water Quality
River Morphology
Estuary and Nearshore

This variable correlates inversely with temperature and is important for aquatic species' respiration

What is dissolved oxygen


Fish make nests for their eggs in the sediment called this.

What are redds


Rivers that lack this feature tend to be channelized and have little habitat complexity

What is large woody debris


This type of fish has an anadromous lifestyle, brings marine nutrients back up rivers, and is an important food supply for dozens of species

What are salmon


This region of a river has high primary productivity, offers a sheltered environment, and abundant food sources. It often serves as critical habitat for many species of young and adult fish

What is an estuary


This variable's scale goes from 1-14 while salmon thrive in the 7-8.5 range.

What is pH


Different species of this fish need different-sized river sediment to make their nests.

What are salmon


Channel complexity creates different types of flow patterns and habitats in rivers including these (name two)

what are rapids, pools, runs, riffles, glides, gravel bars, islands, side channels.


These legal agreements guarantee Native American Tribes can take up to half of the salmon harvest in their traditional and accustomed fishing grounds.    

What are treaties.


As a river reaches its mouth, the water slows and this material is deposited

What is sediment


This variable is highly variable over the course of a day and year.  It is influenced strongly by incoming light

What is temperature


How sediment is eroded and deposited through a river system is directly tied to this

What is water speed


A river with an active floodplain tends to do this to the surrounding groundwater.

What is resupply it.


This feature at a river's edge help regulate the temperature and consequently oxygen of the water, directly influencing the quality of salmon habitat

What is the riparian zone


In an estuary salt and freshwater often mix creating this type of water

what is brackish water


Considerable amounts of time, energy, and money are being spent to remove these barriers to upstream fish migration. 

What are culverts, dams, spillways, etc.


This is a marine environment that is directly affected by river processes

What is the near shore


These are the 5 species of salmon found in the Washington rivers

What are Chum, Sockeye, King, Coho, and Pink.  (Steelhead, Bull Trout and Sea Run Cutthroat are also important but are anadromous trout)


The shape and stucture of an estuary is largely determined by these two physical processes

What are marine (or lake) waves and river flows.