Bacon's Rebellion
The Road to Revolution
The American Revolution
Creating the Constitution

The governor at the time of the rebellion

Who was Gov. Berkeley?


This contest for territory between England and France started in 1750

What was the French and Indian War?


The document that formally stated the intention of the colonies to form a new government

What is the Declaration of Independence?


The name of the first constitutional agreement created for the United States

What were the Articles of Confederation?


The word used for a volunteer army of the kind formed by the rebels

What is a militia?


The Act that required colonists to pay extra for paper goods

What was the Stamp Act?


Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts

What are the places where the first battles against the British were fought?


The word used for the kind of power that the states had, in the first constitution

What is "sovereign?"

Francis Bacon's allies 

What were indentured servants?


A deadly showdown between British soldiers and protesting colonists became known as this

What was the Boston Massacre?


An alliance with this country helped the United States to turn the tide and eventually win the war

What is France?


The 3 branches of government, in the Constitution that was written in 1787

What are the legislative, the executive, and the judicial?


Year of the rebellion

What was 1676?


One type of protest organized by colonists, who agreed not to purchase certain goods like tea

What is a boycott?


The site where British troops under General Cornwallis surrendered the last major battle of the war

What is Yorktown?


The name for the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, insisted upon by the Anti-Federalists

What are the Bill of Rights?

Type of labor preferred by southern landowners after the rebellion

Who were enslaved workers?


One "intolerable" action taken by the British government, in response to the Boston Tea Party?

What is closing Boston harbor OR taking over local colonial governments OR sending more soldiers to the colonies?


According to the Declaration of Independence, this is the foundation of government's authority, not God or inheritance or Nature

What is "the consent of the governed" (or that idea in different words)?


Number of the original 13 states that were required to ratify the Constitution originally, and also to ratify constitutional amendments

What is 9?