Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Social-Emotional Development
Linguistic Development
Supporting Development

This motor skill allows a toddler to move quickly on two legs

What is running?


Toddlers aged 2-3 can follow this type of instruction

What is follow simple instructions?


By age 2-3, children start to understand and recognize these in both themselves and others, aiding in emotional growth.

What are emotions?


By age 2, children begin using these kinds of words, such as "I" or "we," to refer to themselves and others

What are pronouns?


To support motor development, this type of activity should be encouraged, ensuring toddlers engage physically while having fun.

What is physical play?


Although children at this age are prone to stumbling and falling, it is considered a normal part of mastering this skill

What is Walking?


Familiarity with this part of the body is evident in toddlers when they can name it when pointed at.

What are the parts of the body?


At this age, toddlers begin engaging with peers through this type of activity.

What is playing with others?


By age 3, most children have this size of vocabulary, allowing them to name objects and actions.

What are 200-300 words?


Limiting this activity is recommended to promote better linguistic and cognitive growth in toddlers.

What is limiting screen time?


This developmental milestone involves controlling an object with the foot, a sign of increasing coordination. 

What is kicking a ball?


Children in this age range can complete these kinds of simple tasks that often involve sorting shapes or colors.

What are simple puzzles? 


This growing skill in toddlers allows them to assert their own desires and make decisions independently.

What is independence?


By age 3, toddlers can engage in these back-and-forth conversations that typically involve multiple exchanges.

What are conversations? 


Supporting a child’s emotional growth can be done by encouraging this, allowing toddlers to express and manage their feelings.

What is emotional expression?


By age 3, children can perform this activity involving vertical movement and coordination, often done on playground equipment

What is climbing?


This skill involves copying actions or words from others, which children of this age group do frequently.

What is imitation? 


Toddlers aged 2-3 can follow this type of instruction, which requires understanding two separate actions.

 What is are 2-step instructions?


Toddlers' speech becomes clearer, and they can distinguish these components of speech, crucial for language development.

What are vowels and letters?


Engaging toddlers with this kind of frequent interaction supports their linguistic and social growth.

What are conversations?