How many days in a year?
What is the lowest area of the brain?
Children who are sexually abused will never recover?
False: Supportive adults, therapy
What is the tallest animal
Is stress always a bad thing?
After being sexually abused a child might have:
Nightmares, trouble in school, feel jumpy, isolate, anger/fights, bad memories, headaches, loss of appetite, memory issues issues
How many bones in the human body?
What is the most important thing to help build resiliency?
Do most adults tell after being abused?
Many reasons why children don't tell
How many U.S. states are there?
What are our 5 senses?
Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell
What percent of girls and what percent of boys experience sexual abuse?
1 in 4 girls
1 in 6 boys
What helps our brains our learn?
Or rebuild neural pathways>
Repetition, consistency, rythm