Makes the laws
Legislative Branch
criminal proceedings against a government official for misconduct in office
Headed by the President and Vice President
Executive Branch
This First Amendment right allows individuals to express their opinions publicly without government interference.
First 10 amendments to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Enforces and Implements Laws
Executive Branch
private organization of citizens who select and promote candidates for election to public office
political party
Headed by the Supreme Court
Judicial Branch
This right ensures that people can gather peacefully for protests, meetings, or demonstrations.
rights that are not explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights, but courts have reorganized them as necessary to protecting the rights that are mentioned
Peripheral Rights
Interprets the law
Judicial Branch
supreme political authority free from external control
Federal regulatory agencies are part of the ... branch of government.
This freedom protects the right to publish and distribute information or opinions without censorship by the government.
... is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
governmental system in which citizens vote directly to decide issues
Allocated by a state's population
House of Representatives
This First Amendment right guarantees individuals the freedom to practice any faith or no faith at all.
True or false: The word "privacy" is explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
Created by Congress to enforce specific laws and oversee areas such as commerce, communications, labor, and safety.
federal regulatory agencies
governmental system in which citizens elect representatives to decide issues
2 members per state
What are the 5 pieces the First Amendment protects?
Speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition
BONUS: With this in mind, provide a specific example of how online content or media has been regulated or censored in recent years.
Answers may vary.